Ch. 75

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Lauren's POV

It's been a while since Louis left and I'm getting really worried. What if something happened? What if he can't find me? We have no way to get in touch with each other!

After a few more minutes someone scares the piss out of me as they come up from behind me. Turns out it's only Louis. I launch myself at him and he carefully hugs me back since he has the drinks in his hands. "I'm here angel," he whispers.

"What took you so long? I was getting really worried," I ask.

"There were so many people getting drinks! Then this girl knocked one of the drinks out of my hand and I had to go get another one," he explains. "I'm sorry for worrying you princess."

"It's ok. I'm glad you're ok," I sigh in relief.

   "I'm glad you're ok too," he smiles and kisses me. I hum into his lips as I calm down once again. We pull away and he pecks my lips. He hands me my drink and we clink the edge of the cups together and drink.

   "Lets only have three drinks tonight so we aren't too drunk to know what we are doing." He nods and smiles.

   "Good idea angel!" We move a bit closer to the crowd so we are involved and Louis is clearly excited for this. I, on the other hand, am nervous. He grasps my hand before jumping around to the music. "C'mon baby! Loosen up and have some fun," he tries.

   "I don't know how," I look down. He stops and pulls me closer to him by our connected hands. He leaves a sweet kiss on my lips then moves me in front of him.

   "Relax and pretend like it's only us jamming out to music princess! It's easy," he smiles against my cheek. I nod and lean my head against his. "You ok?"

   "Just fine as long as you don't leave me," I tell him.

   "I'm right here ok," he asks sweetly. I nod again and kiss him.

   "Thank you," I smile once we pull away.

   "Of course angel!" I turn around still gripping his hand and we gradually start jumping around.

After a while I start to loosen up as the alcohol kicks in a little. A girl, a couple years younger than me, comes over and grabs Louis' arm trying to pull him with her. He pulls it back and pulls me into him. "Why are you dancing with this slut? All I want is to dance," she tries with a smirk at the end.

"I'll stick with my amazing wife. Go fuck someone else love," he scoffs. She keeps trying and I smash my lips against Louis' and wrap one of my legs around his hip. His hand holds my leg up as he smirks into the kiss. We pull away and I smirk at her.

   "He's mine bitch! He told you to suck someone else's dick so go! He's mine to suck," I sass.

   "Hell yeah I am baby," he winks at me.

   "I bet she's not even good," the girl tries.

   "She gives the best blowjobs this world has ever seen! She is so fucking tight! She's so bloody perfect! Nobody will ever be remotely as amazing as she is! Go the fuck away," he snaps. She rolls her eyes and throws a fit walking away. I kiss him again and he smiles into it. "Perfect," he mumbles into my lips.

   "Unflawed and impeccable, heavenly," I mumble back. He chuckles pulling away.

   "I love you!"

   "I love you more," I wink.

   "So not true!" I giggle and hug him putting my leg back down. He pecks my cheek then we pull away and start dancing again.

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