Ch. 1

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Lauren's POV


   "YES I CAN AND I WILL! YOU NEED TO GET A GOOD EDUCATION IF YOU WANT TO SUCCEED IN LIFE! NOW GO PACK YOUR BAGS AND GET TO THE AIRPORT SO YOU CAN LEAVE!" Mom screams back. Suddenly I think of an amazing idea! I will go to the airport, like my mom said, then I can change my ticket with a little more money.

   "Fine, but I am going to need some more money so I can survive because I know I'm not going to just walk into a store and get a job handed to me," I argue.

   "Good, as long as you get on that plane and go," Mom says. She goes to my dads dresser and takes out $500 then writes me a check for about $2,000. "Spend it wisely because that's all you are getting from us," Mom orders.

   "Thanks mom. I'll go pack now," I reply running to my room and grabbing my $6,000 I have saved up and my two old suitcases and three new suitcases mom and dad bought me for "college" and I throw all of my clothes, shoes, electronics and chargers, toiletries, and some of my things around my room, like some of my One Direction merchandise, into the five suitcases. I grabbed a small bag and put my wallet, passport, phone, headphones, and my small portable charger into it. I run downstairs and quickly said goodbye to my family and best friend, Sarah, and jumped into the taxi mom called for me.

   Once I get to the airport I walk up to the desk to change my ticket to England instead of Auburn. I wait in line for about ten minutes and easily change the ticket for $200. Since my flight is in 57 minutes I run as fast as I can to gate 24, where my flight is. I get to the gate and go through all the security and baggage check and briskly walked to the plane. As I fall to my seat on the plane I feel my phone vibrate in my bag.

From Mom: Be careful sweetheart and call me when you land!

To Mom: I will and the flight is running really late so it will probably be around 2 a.m. when I land. So I will txt you instead.

From Mom: ok sweety love you 😘

To Mom: Love you too 😘

   As soon as mom and I finish our "conversation" I pull out my beats and play my music playlist, consisting of One Direction (of course), The Fray, Ed Sheeran, Niall Horan, and ZAYN. After an hour and a half I fall right to sleep thinking of what I'm gonna do when I land.

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