Ch. 70

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Lauren's POV

"I'm calling time. I need to talk to her in private."

"Go on, we don't mind," Elly says. He carries me upstairs and lays on the bed. He pulls me into him even more and kisses me sweetly.

"Baby? Are you ok," he asks softly once we pull away. I respond my shaking my head vigorously. "Will you tell me what's wrong?"

"Th-That was so-so embar-embarrassing," I cry. He sighs and pulls me onto his chest. He takes off the loose top and kisses my cheek. His hands grab my boobs and he massages them.

"Calm down sweetheart. It's ok," he coos. I cry into his shoulder and he lets go of my boobs to rub my back.

"They will make fun of me and how small my boobs are," I cry.

"Love, you know the size of my hands," he starts and I nod. "You overflow from my hands gorgeous. There is nothing small on you in the two categories of breasts and ass!"

"I'm smaller than all of them," I shake my head causing him to groan. He pushes me up carefully so I'm sitting up and suddenly his mouth connects to one of my breasts. His other hand massages the other and I can't help but moan. He makes me feel like I'm on cloud nine. He switches after a couple minutes then pulls away totally after another couple minutes. He kisses up my neck to my mouth. He kisses me passionately and hugs me tightly. He pulls away and cuddles into me.

   "Angel, you are perfect in every single way," he smiles. I can't help but cry still. He sighs and slides his hands into my pants to rub my ass and I slowly calm down. I stop crying and cling onto him. He kisses my forehead then pulls me down so I lay beside him. "Baby are you ok," he asks softly.

"Not really," I shake my head. He nods and hugs me tightly.

"You don't need to feel embarrassed princess," he whispers.

"Louis, how would you feel if your pants fell down out there? You would be embarrassed too!"

"Yeah, but how do you think Harry felt when we pulled his pants down on stage? I don't think you remember that my life is shown to billions of people. I have so many embarrassing moments that are fucking lifted up in publicity! This is just you best friends and family! Get over it," he shouts at me getting aggravated. He's right, but I just need his comfort, not him competing with me on who has it worse. I try to push him away to get out of his arms. He tightens his grip on me and I start crying again.

"Let go of me," I cry.

"NO! You have to listen to me!"

"I JUST NEED YOUR COMFORT! NOT YOU SCREAMING AT ME," I start sobbing again. His face softens and a tear slips down his cheek.

"I'm sorry," he whispers. "I'm sorry that you are hurting so much over this that you're this upset. Please forgive me?" I nod and bury my face in his chest. He holds me even closer and comforts me. I finally calm down and start to fall asleep. "I am so sorry baby," he whispers again. I grab his hand and kiss it before I fall asleep.

Louis' POV

I never meant to hurt her more. I wasn't thinking when I yelled at her. I can feel her falling asleep, "I'm so sorry baby," I whisper as another tear falls. She grabs my hand and kisses the back of it then falls asleep. Once she has been asleep a couple minutes I change her into the bikini top again and bring her downstairs wrapped in a blanket.

"Is she ok," Elly asks concerned.

"She is really embarrassed right now," I reply.

"Louis, what are we gonna do in the mean time," Lottie asks.

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