Ch. 54

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Next Morning
Lauren's POV

   I wake up in Louis' arms on the couch. I pull out his phone and see it's eight in the morning. I snuggle into him and he stirs under me. "Morning angel," he says.

   "Morning baby," I smile. "I'm sorry about last night. I'm guessing you made plans or something for us? You had a single candle on the table."

   "I was going to cook us a meal, but we got to talking and then you broke down. Honestly I'd much rather be able to comfort you rather than cook us a meal," he says.

   "Yeah, me too! I love you Louis, so much," I say with tears welling up.

   "Don't cry on me again! I love you so much too baby! You are my life," he smiles.

   "Before my period starts, wanna have sex again? Not just a quickie?" He smirks.

   "Of course I do!" He carries me upstairs and lays me on the bed. He unzips the dress and throws it on the chair in the corner. "I'm so glad you don't have a bra on!"

   "Why's that," I ask.

   "Because then all I have to get off of you after the dress is your thong!" I laugh and roll my eyes. He pulls his shirt off and I pull his pants and underwear off. "That's my baby girl," he smirks. He slowly pulls my thong down and I whine. "What's wrong angel?"

   "Take that shit off," I groan. He yanks it off and smirks. He opens my legs slowly and shoves two fingers inside of me. I whimper as he curls them. He pulls them out then kisses me passionately. We pull away and he sucks on his fingers.

   "You taste amazing baby girl," he smiles. I look up at him disgusted.

   "I don't want to know what the hell I taste like," I sass. He laughs and lines himself up.

   "Ready baby," he asks.

   "Yeah," I smile. He slowly moves in causing me to immediately moan.

   "How is it princess?"

   "A-mazi-ng," I try to say. He pushes in even deeper and hits my g spot. "Oh Louis," I scream.

   "H-How could you threaten to ch-chop this o-off," he asks having a hard time.

   "I h-ave n-no i-id-ea," I reply. He speeds up and slams into my g spot. I scream his name and he speeds up again. My body starts to shake at how hard his is slamming me. I feel my climax coming. "L-L-ou, I-I-" I start.

   "M-me t-too," he says. He slams me even harder and we let go. He slows down and pulls out. His dick is covered in blood. "Shit baby, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry," he apologises.

   "No it's fine! I should have said something," I say not able to move.

   "No, when you started shaking that should have been my sign to stop going so hard. This is your third time and I just slammed you so hard," he argues about to cry. I cup his face with my hands and kiss his cheek.

   "It's ok! Calm down! I love you either way! Now help me get a shower because I can't move, then drive me back to the penthouse and help me up to the room, then go out and come back in an hour to pick me up! Then if we can tomorrow we can go to the U.S. with everyone," I say.

   "Why an hour," he laughs.

   "Because I need to rest! Make that an hour and a half! So that I can fall asleep then sleep an hour then you come and get me," I say.

   "You're adorable," he smiles.

   "No, I'm sore," I return.

   "I'm so sorry."

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