Ch. 114

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Lauren's POV

   Sam sends me his homework and I grab the pen from inside and some paper. Louis watches me as I work the problems out. "Why are you doing that," Louis questions as I convert from yards per second to miles per hour.

   "To get it in the right unit," I kiss his soft cheek. He smiles at me intrigued at the work. He rubs my belly making Rosemary go wild, but that makes my bladder suddenly full. I kiss Louis' cheek again then get up.

   "Where are you going angel," he pouts.

   "Bathroom. I have to piss," I tell him. He whines and pouts. I giggle and press my lips to his making him hum and kiss across my cheek when we pull away. I rush into the bathroom and do my business before I come back out and see Louis has a sweet message for me at the top of the page.

Hi baby! I love you so much! You are so smart and you never cease to surprise me even after all these years! You're the best wife and mum and I'm so bloody lucky! You're an amazing woman to have been through the emotional trauma you did in high school, yet you are still the sweetest and happiest woman I've ever met! You make me so proud of you everyday and I can never stop telling you I love you because I love you so much that all the times I say it added together, it still won't amount to how much I really love you angel! You're perfect and gorgeous and the most amazing wife ever! You're the most important person in my life and I love you more than anything! Always remember that! I love you! Love, Louis (your idiot husband who doesn't know what the hell you're doing at the bottom of this page!)

I coo and melt in front of him. "I love you so so so fucking much baby! I'm so lucky! You're everything to me and I feel the exact same way that you've described me, about you! And you're absolutely not an idiot! I love you so so so so so so so fucking much," I tear up and smash my lips on his. He makes a noise out of shock at my kiss. I straddle him to kiss him better. He moans and cups my chin. I hear the pen drop causing us to pull away. I take a picture of the note then turn around in his arms, picking up the pen, and getting back to work. He kisses the back of my shoulder making me smile.

"I hope you know how sexy you look doing this," he admits.

"Oh really," I ask still focused on the problem.

"Mhm," he hums slipping his hand into my shorts. I don't mind since I love him touching me and he's my husband. I enjoy it!

As soon as I finish the first problem, Louis decides to play with my clit. "Babe, please don't finger me. The faster I get this done, the faster I can give you all of my attention."

"Ok. Is this fine though," he asks.

"Mhm," I smile and peck his lips. I slightly open my legs more for him to have more room. I work on a free fall problem making me grin happily. These are some of my favourites!

"I take it you like the problem you're working on," he asks amused.

"I love free fall! Tension is ok, but can be fun! Slopes always confuse me, but I know how to do it. All of the different electricities in one problem make me go nuts and give me a headache. Circular motion is annoying. Kinematics is literally so easy and my favourite!"

"So this is...?"

"Kinematics, but specifically free fall," I reply.

"Hm..." he watches me. I can soon feel his eyes on me and not what I'm doing. Pretty soon his lips press to my neck making me moan. His tongue slips out making me moan again. "You're way to sexy to keep my hands off of darling."

"I could feel you watching my every move honey," I giggle.

"Good! You know that my eyes are solely on you!" I blush and kiss him sweetly.

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