Ch. 191

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Lauren's POV

"Alright. Spur of the moment decision was made upstairs a few minutes ago, and I'm taking my wife out of Doncaster for a few days so she can relax before she gives birth to our baby in literally two weeks. Nobody is knowing where we are. We are turning our locations off. We will only reply to texts if it's an emergency. Nobody start any drama or I'll fucking find you and make you regret it," Louis says causing even me to look at him shocked. "What," he asks me.

"Don't you think that's a bit extreme," I ask.

"Nope. When I asked the same thing during our anniversary, we all know what happened with that. I will not tolerate any bullshit this time. It's not an option for anyone to have any input on it either. Everyone is going to accept it," he replies. Ok. He's clearly mad at everyone.

"Louis, what about our meeting," Liam asks softly.

"I'm moving it. I can't take this shit anymore. Her mental health problems that have to do with all of you and my family are making me lose my fucking mind. Elly, don't even try me," he warns as she opens her mouth.

"Louis," Niall gives him a look.

"She lost the right to speak about my family," Louis says seriously.

"You lost the right to speak about mine," she smirks back. "BOTH of you!"

"Stop Elly," Niall gives her a look knowing she's doing it on purpose to break me down more.

"No! They are literally attacking us for nothing!" I get up.

"I'm done. I'm about to fucking explode. Do what Louis said and don't push it," I tell everyone and start walking home.

"Baby," Louis calls knowing I'm actually about to lose my mind.

"You're not stopping me either," I give him a look making all of them eye me shocked. I start walking home, but Louis pulls up beside me halfway back. I get in and rest my head on the window.

"I'm not mad at you baby," he says softly. I don't reply making him sigh. We get home and we get out. I go straight into the bathroom and turn on the bath and stare at the water as it comes out of the faucet. "Honey," Louis whispers softly so he doesn't trigger me.

"What," I sigh.

"Talk to me please," he begs me.

"Not right now. I'm not in the mood," I reply dryly.


"THIS IS WHAT I MEAN BY ALL OF YOU CONTROLLING ME! IF I SAY NO THEN THAT MEANS NO! DON'T PUSH ME," I snap at him with angry tears in my eyes causing him to jump and look at me worried.

"I just want to help," he says sadly.

"Then let me be alone and figure it out myself until I can talk to you about it! I've never been too shy to talk to you so stop pushing me!" He looks down trying to hide his tears, but I know my own husband. He nods and walks out.

When I get in the bath, I break down. I'm hurting my husband by taking my problems out on him when it's multiple people. I'm being a horrible wife and friend.

I lean my head against the side of the tub and stare out the window completely shattered. My heart is heavy, and I feel like someone punched me in the throat multiple times as hard as they could due to how hard I'm crying.

"I'm horrible," I start to hate myself. "I'm the problem!" The door opens to Louis who is sobbing too. He comes over to me and sits beside the tub.

"Stop saying that. It's not true. And I love you too much to sit out there and listen to your sobs without coming in here to sit beside you to help you take that pain away," he says. I grab his hand making him slightly smile.

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