Ch. 49

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Lauren's POV

   "Hey Lot!" Then I notice tears streaming down her face. "What's wrong babe?"

"This guy says he's going to kill Louis for killing Troy," she cries.

"Oh honey, John dealt with him. He's fine. Plus the power couple will blow his brains out before he has a chance," I explain.

"But people are still out for Louis," she cries. Louis steps in and pulls her into a tight hug.

"Lottie, I'm going to be fine. Simon knows about it."

"The girls are freaking out. They are sobbing and so is mum," she tells us. "Mum wants to see you and won't let me bring the medicine to you because she wants both of you there."

"Can we bring Lulu and stay in Lou's room," I ask.

"Of course! Mum has been begging me to bring you two home but I was giving you your space," she smiles.

"Thanks Lot," Louis smiles and kisses her forehead. "Lets get our things babe. You pack the dog up and I'll get both of us." I nod and we run upstairs. I get Lulu's bed, food, bowls, toys, clothes, everything. Louis walks downstairs and kisses me passing by. I smile and carry her and all her stuff downstairs. I step down for the last step but it turns out it's the third to last step. Sadly Louis wasn't fast enough to catch me and I fall and drop everything except the dog. I break down again.

"I'm such a fuck up," I cry. Louis sighs and picks me and Lulu up. Lottie helps get her things for me and carries them to the car. I cry into his shoulder and he kisses my cheek.

"As soon as we get to mum and Dan's you are taking that medicine and going to bed. You are too exhausted and drained. Try to sleep in the car baby," he says. I nod and bite my lip trying to hold the tears back. "You are making me horny biting your lip love." I release my lip from my teeth and the tears stream down. He kisses me softly and my tears stop. He walks us out to the car and lays me in the back seat. He shuts the door and locks the car until he gets in then locks it back. "Baby, you doing alright?" I nod and grab his hand. He slightly smiles and kisses my forehead again. "I love you."

   "I love you too," I say back. He smiles and we follow Lottie after she locks our house up.

   We arrive at Jay and Dan's and I can literally hear sobbing. As soon as we go inside, Louis carrying me of course, and our stuff while Lottie gets Lulu and her stuff, they all attack Louis. I get down so they can hug him, but Fiz pulls me back in. We all hug and then I pull back out. I carry everything to Louis' old room. When I walk in I see that guy again sitting on Louis' bed. "Ehm why are you here," I ask in a British accent.

   "Cut the accent love. I know you're from the U. S."

   "I'm from fucking Bristol shit head! That's fucking insulting that you think I'm from that shit place called America!" His eyes bulge and he blushes.

   "Sorry, you look like the lass Louis is engaged to," he says.

   "Well I'm not that fucking stupid! You know there are many people that look alike? That Louis and John look alike but they aren't the same fucking person and I don't know why everyone thinks he is! My John can't sing worth a shit!"

   "Have you two had sex before?"

   "That's none of your fucking business! But yes we have! Many times thank you! I'm not some fucking loser that is a virgin for life! John and I don't give a fuck," I lie. Louis walks in and he goes red.

   "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE? THIS IS PRIVATE PROPERTY YOU DAMN FOOL!" The guy looks scared. Louis grabs the collar of his shirt and drags him outside. I follow behind him. "NOBODY GOES NEAR MY FAMILY!" He punches the guy in the face then kicks him. I kick him too and slap him. I punch him in the face and kick him in the place the sun just don't shine in and he falls to the ground. Dan runs out and tries to pull us back but Jay pulls him away so he won't get hurt. Louis punched the guy in the face multiple times then gross but true he snaps the guy's neck. I look up and see the whole family staring at us in fear.

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