Ch. 26

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Lauren's POV

   Louis is still asleep and I'm comfortable right now so I'm just gonna cuddle into him since he's warm. I feel him move a little. Oops. He opens his eyes and caresses my hair. "Morning Lou," I say. "Sorry for waking you up."

   "Morning babe, and it's ok. I want to see you and cuddle you," he says. I smile at him and he smiles back. We stay like this for about an hour and then he falls asleep. I carefully get up and kiss his lips gently and go to the bathroom since I have to pee. Halfway through peeing I hear Louis. "LAUREN WHERE ARE YOU?"

   "I'M PEEING," I scream and he comes in. I finish and laugh. "Did you seriously freak out because I had to pee?" He nods. "Awe babe I'll be fine it's ok, I hope nobody takes me while I pee otherwise there would be a trail of pee leaving the house," I joke. After a minute of trying to suppress his smile he bursts out laughing.

   "I can just imagine you still peeing while someone picks you up and takes you out of the house," he laughs. I laugh too and then we walk back to our room. I look at the clock and it's one p.m.

   "Wow it's one already. We just wasted a whole day."

   "We didn't waste it, we spent it together." I smile and nod. We walk downstairs and I pull out some pizza dough and pizza sauce and toppings. I put all of my toppings on the entire pizza since Louis eats them and then I add his others on half. I put it in the oven and then walk to the living room where Louis is watching TV. I have no idea what he's watching but I watch it anyway. I hear the oven beep and I get the pizza out. I let it cool and then I put it on plates. I bring Louis two slices of his pizza and one of mine since I'm still eating slow and I've always had this eating disorder were I eat way too much to the point I throw up and if food is infront of me when I get full then I throw up. Louis sees my one slice and gives me a look. I explain my problem and he nods. I still don't know what Louis is watching.

   "What are you watching?" He gives me a look like I'm crazier than ever and I should know what it is.

   "It's F.R.I.E.N.D.S. have you never seen it before?" I shake my head.

   "The only things I watched on tv were Doctor Who, Disney shows, X Factor,  basketball, and all the shows my family watched. I rarely got to see award shows, but I saw that one were I DMed y'all and you finally answered a year ago," I say.

   "You are deprived of tv. I'll tell you what happened in the show and the episodes leading up to this one," he says and then explains the show. I nod in understanding and now I feel like a F.R.I.E.N.D.S. know it all.

   "Thanks babe, it seems like a cool show."

   "It is! And Jennifer Anniston is in it!" He seems too happy. I give him an 'oh really?' look and he tries to fix himself. "But it's just Jennifer Anniston, not like my female celebrity crush on tv or anything. My fiancé is much better," he tries but fails.

   "Uh huh, see who is in your bed tonight me or her," I sass and walk out.

   "Babe, come back. I'm sorry please come back," Louis begs. I continue to walk up the stairs. Hopefully he won't notice I only ate one piece of pizza. "LAUREN ELIZABETH!?!?! YOU ONLY ATE ONE PIECE OF PIZZA!?!?! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW!?!?!" Oops spoke too soon. I walk down kinda scared. I come around the corner and I see his face is red. Uh oh. Will me eating one piece of pizza do that to him? "SIT YOUR ASS DOWN AND EAT THE GOD DAMNED PIZZA!?!?!" I run to the table and try to eat it. I can't even eat half of it before needing to throw up. I run to the bathroom and throw up. I walk back to the table and he's still mad. "EAT THE FUCKING PIZZA!?!" I try again but I have to throw up again. After the fourth time I pass out by the toilet. "LAUREN," Louis yells. I'm too exhausted to answer. I can't move. He runs in and sees me and drops to the floor beside me. I try to push him away because he is still scaring me but I'm too weak. "I'm sorry baby! Please don't try to push me away I'm trying to help you. I'm sorry," he says with tears in his eyes. I wipe them away as soon as they start to fall but that tired me out way too much and I'm passing out. He picks me up and brings me to our room and tucks me in. He kisses my forehead then puts a cold, wet rag on my forehead. He lays beside me but doesn't touch me since I'm burning up. I can't even pull the covers off of me I'm too weak. I try to ask Louis but I can't. I whisper covers but he doesn't hear me. I use my energy to say it louder and he pulls them off of me and kisses my cheek. I close my eyes seeing as that's the easiest thing to do. I instantly fall asleep. I feel Louis grab my hand though. I wake up and see Louis isn't beside me. I'm still exhausted but I want to get up and I want to find Louis. I slowly walk down the stairs. I don't see him in the living room or kitchen. I walk down to the basement. He's not in the game room. I walk into the music room and I finally see him. I am still walking slowly. He sees me and runs and picks me up. I cling onto him with all of my strength and he sits me on the couch in there. "I have a song for you even though I sang it to you before!" I hear the music and instantly know it. Look After You by The Fray.

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