Ch. 178

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Lauren's POV

After he finishes his email, he pulls me closer. I bury my face in his neck and close my eyes. "I love you so much," he whispers.

"I love you even more," I whisper back and leave a sweet kiss on his neck. I'm still astonished they signed to a management company with no actual documentation. "Y'all are such idiots," I shake my head.

"What did we do now," he asks worried.

"Signing something without a thorough background check and without the documents. And who gave them our bank account," I ask him.

"I sent a check," he mumbles.

"Was it blank?"

"I'm not that stupid darling," he laughs.

"Baby, you signed ten years of your life over to someone who stole five million pounds from us. I think I'm right in this case," I smile at him.

   "Shh. We don't want your ego to show," he jokes making me laugh. We go silent once we calm down.

   "Louis, please don't lie to me anymore," I look at him sadly.

   "I'm so sorry baby. The whole thing was a mistake that just kept making more mistakes happen on my part. I'll try my best to not lie to you again. We both know we will tell little white lies at some point, probably about Rosemary, but big ones like that shouldn't happen again. If I do, know I'm more than sorry."

   "Me too," I kiss him sweetly.

   "Can you tell me you love me again," he asks shyly. I smile and kiss him again.

   "Louis William Tomlinson, I love you so much! You're my everything and more! You're the highlight of my day and the love of my life! You're my bestestest friend, and you mean more to me than you'll ever know! I love you! I love you! I love you," I grin and kiss him again.

   "I love you so much," he hugs me tightly burying his face in my neck. I play with his hair and smile.

   After a few minutes, someone knocks on the front door. "I'll go get that," he kisses my cheek and we get up.

   "Who is it?"

   "Don't know, but if it's the boys or Elly or mum, I can divert them away from you." I nod and kiss him quickly. He goes to the door and opens it only to be attacked in a hug by Jay. I roll my eyes and walk into the kitchen. I search for a snack and find some chocolate. I open the fridge and search for the crescent rolls. When I pull them out, I notice my chocolate is gone. I see Jay holding it behind me.

   "This is bad for your baby."

   "What do you care," I mumble and take it back.

   "I still love you. I didn't mean what I said. I was just mad."

   "Good for you actually believing that you didn't mean it." Louis comes in and freezes.

   "Mum, leave her alone."

   "But chocolate is not good for a baby," she tries.

   "Nice try mum. Leslie said it's ok," Louis says and guides her away from me. She sighs and gives in.

   "Thanks babe," I thank him.

   "Mhm," he hums as he walks out behind her.

   I find a cookie sheet and spray some oil on it before I open the crescent rolls and pull one off. I place the chocolate in the middle then roll it up. I make the rest the same way then cook them in the oven for fifteen minutes. Louis comes in as the oven beeps.

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