Ch. 162

31 1 0

Lauren's POV

When I wake up, I sigh. I turn on the tv and start watching football that's on.

After a while, I decide to call Sarah since I know she won't say anything beneficial towards my happiness.

Me-Hey Sarah.
Sarah-Oh it's you. What can I do for you?
Me-Can you tell me how Louis is? I have a feeling you won't tell them that I called, so I called.
Sarah-Yeah. Hold on.

I can hear her going downstairs.

Sarah-They've been searching for anything they can find on where you were last seen. As far as I know, they think you got on a plane at Heathrow and flew the fuck away.
Me-What? Why would they think that?
Sarah-Someone found a fan picture of you driving near the airport last night and the locations apparently kept getting closer. Louis thinks you flew away.
Me-Has he done anything other than yesterday?
Sarah-No. Zayn won't leave his side. Niall told us he's really pale though and Hailey said she was asked to bring him crackers after bringing him a glass of water.

I feel guilty and worried since he's my baby, but the way he acted last night has me angry.

Sarah-When are you coming back? He doesn't think you'll be back for at least a month if at all.
Me-Probably tomorrow. I'm still mad.

It's quiet for a minute. know you don't want to hear this, but I really am sorry. You've been the best friend and you always made sure to help me when I needed help and you even risked Louis getting mad at you to help me. I never should have used you. I know you don't trust me anymore, after all I did to betray you, but I want you to know that I'm truly sorry. I can see how what I did lead to you and Louis fighting and I really don't want to see either of you without each other. And I really really don't want to see your daughter without her mom or dad. Whenever you decide to come back, I'll give you space, but if you need me I will be there. No more faking it or using you.
Me-Thank you. I have to think about it and of course talk to Louis. He's sick of me forgiving all of you only to be stabbed in the back once again. I've trusted you for months only to have you calling me gross and saying you didn't think I'd find anyone to want me. Then that you used me and talked shit about me to the girls after deliberately not inviting me to the spa day with y'all then saying I look bad. Not only is that extremely rude, but it really hurt my feelings. And let me just remind you that you stole my first boyfriend. You caused me to be alone. And now that I'm happily married, you have to attack me for it and say I'm gross? That's disgusting. I'm not even bothering you so why are you attacking me? That's what I really don't get.
Sarah-I don't know. I guess my high school mentality came back. I'm really really sorry for it.
Me-Well thank you. Again, I'll have to talk to Louis, but I'll think about it.
Me-Thank you for telling me about Louis. I'll let you go so they don't get suspicious.
Sarah-Ok. Bye La. I'm sorry.
End of conversation

I sigh and roll my eyes. Rosemary starts kicking, so I rub my belly to soothe her.

For the rest of the day I relax and watch tv in bed.

9 P.M.
Louis' POV

Zayn's been with me all day as the others keep searching for my beautiful wife. I've given up hope. She's not come home and she's not planning on it.

Someone knocks on the door and Zayn says to come in. Sarah walks in shyly. "What," Zayn sighs.

"Check your bank records," she says before walking out. I look at Zayn confused. Where the hell is that even coming from? Also why didn't we check before?

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