Ch. 6

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Lauren's POV

As soon as we walked in the door Jay literally attacked me. Phoebe noticed what I was wearing but didn't see Louis not wearing a shirt because he had his jacket buttoned up. "Um Lauren why are you only in a t-shirt," Phoebe asked. I was about to answer but Louis did instead.

"When I finally found her some guy was trying to rape her and ripped her clothes so I gave her my shirt," he replied. Everybody looked at me with a sad look in their eyes and I looked down. Louis hugged me again but I stayed still. He told them he would be back and he took me to my room. "Love, are you ok," he asks.

"I honestly don't know. If you hadn't found me I would have been raped and I know you would think I was a slut because you wouldn't have seen it happen and you would treat me how you did before. And just like now everyone is treating me differently because it almost happened but what if it did," I cry. He kisses the top of my head and puts his arms around me.

"I'm glad I found you because I didn't let that happen and after mom told me about you I couldn't ever call you a slut and I won't ever treat you like that. And if you are really fine then tell them and if they don't believe you I will tell them. I really am sorry I treated you like that," Louis says with guilt written all over his face.

"It's ok I should have thought about working more back home so I could get a house over here and then I wouldn't have been in y'all's way I'm sorry," I reply.

"No you shouldn't be saying sorry, I'm the one that judged you the minute I saw you," he replies back.

"It's alright back home most of the people did that to me too except my best friend Sarah and her little sister Elly which happens to be another one of my best friends because they have known me my whole life well more like Sarah and then I knew Elly her whole life," I sigh remembering back home and my friends. "Everyone thinks I'm at college when really I'm here in England staying with my favourite people in the whole world," I sigh again. He tightens his arms around me and pulls me into his lap and caresses my hair to calm me down. After a few minutes I can't stop thinking about back home and I don't even realise the tear falling down my face until Louis wipes it off. I smile at him and as soon as I look into his eyes I forget about Alabama and melt into him. He smiles back down at me.

"Do you want to go back out there now," he asks me and I nod.

"But first I need to change," I say. I change into some Nike shorts and a random black t-shirt. Louis laughs and I give him a questioning look then he points down to my shirt. I look down and am suddenly embarrassed because it's my One Direction Midnight Memories shirt and I quickly run back and grab a grey hoodie of mine. Only for him to laugh even more and I look down and it's my OTRA sweatshirt I won from a donation thing for Believe in Magic when Louis and Jay did the contest. I just give up I'm gonna end up changing into more One Direction merchandise. We both walk out and he grabs my hand and squeezed it to reassure me that everything will be fine. I smile at him.

Once we get to the living room everyone looks at us and Jay jumps up and runs to me and immediately apologises for how she acted. "It's ok honestly I would have reacted that way too if I were in y'all's shoes. It's really ok," I reassure. They smile and nod and run and hug me. I have a feeling everything will turn out fine.

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