Ch. 194

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Lauren's POV
Next Morning

   I wake up with the sun shining through the window. I don't know how the sun himself isn't awake with it shining in his face making him literally radiate light. He's so beautiful! I carefully grab my phone and take a picture of him and post it on Instagram.

@Lauren_Tomlinson: The sunshine himself☀️

I smile as I admire him. He has the cutest little smile on his face. His beautiful eyelashes lay perfectly on the tops of his cheeks too. He's a work of art.

After a while, he wakes up and pulls me closer as he does. I can't help my giggle at how adorable he is. "Morning angel," he hums smiling that I'm awake.

"Morning sunshine," I grin. I press my lips to his and he instantly reacts by kissing me back. "Can I just tell you how gorgeous you are," I say.

"Hush," he laughs. "You'll wake my ego." I giggle and kiss him again. He opens his eyes when we pull away and I sigh happily at the beautiful man I married. "Stop gawking at me babe," he laughs.

"Never. You're so beautiful!"

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," he chuckles. I grab my phone again and take a picture. The sun shines through his icy blue eyes making them shine brightly.

I post a second post on Instagram.

@Lauren_Tomlinson: the sun has awoken and is even more radiant☀️✨

"What are you doing," he laughs. I giggle and delete Instagram off my app history and lock my phone. He takes it and opens my phone. He searches until he gives up. "What did you do," he asks again smiling.

"You'll find out later," I laugh and kiss him. He pulls my face closer and kisses me better.

"What time is it," he asks me.

"Nine," I reply making him sigh.

"We've gotta get ready beautiful. We have an hour to be out," he explains making me whine.

"But I wanna cuddle. You just woke up," I pout.

"We will when we get home darling, ok?" I nod and kiss him before we get up and head to the bathroom to get a shower. I lace our fingers together as we walk making him smile at me.


"I just love you," he expresses causing my heart to skip a beat.

"I love you too," I grin and peck his lips. He turns on the shower and we wait for it to get hot. I wrap my arms around his waist from behind and press my cheek to the back of his shoulder and close my eyes.

"Alright baby," Louis says making me sigh. We get in the shower and quickly bathe before we get out and dry off. We quickly get ready and I pack our extra toiletries while Louis is getting dressed. I finish packing everything then put my clothes on. Louis stops me as I try to put my bra on. "Don't put it on," he grabs it.

"Why not," I ask him.

"Just don't," he says. I roll my eyes and toss it to him. He grins and kisses me then my boobs. "Don't think I forgot to give you kisses too my little princess," he says and kisses my belly. I coo at him and grab my shirt. I pull it over my head and Louis whines at me. And prevents me from pulling it down.

"Louis, stop," I give him a look.

"No," he whines and gently pushes me onto the bed and sucks my boobs making me moan and give up. He drinks my milk then kisses all over my boobs.

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