Ch. 10

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Lauren's POV

   Louis and I arrive at the hotel and get a room on the top floor because Louis wants to stay in the nicer rooms and he wants to make sure I get only the best. "Louis I don't care if we are on top or bottom floor, really it's fine and I don't want to waste your money you have earned," I argue.

   "I know you don't care but I want to give you the best," he shoots at me. I sigh and follow him to the room. I really don't want him spending money on me. He sees my sad expression and frowns, "Love I love you and you aren't wasting my money I always want to treat my girl right and I have for the other girls even my sisters why can't I give you everything too?"

   "I am poor and you have money that you are wasting on me that you earned I didn't so I don't want to take it and you were with those girls for years and you've only known me for a short time and we've been dating for a short time like literally this morning. And they are your sisters of course you spend money on them you kind of have too," I reply. He sighs and pulls me onto his lap.

   "I love you so much more than anyone or anything in the whole universe. I understand but I want to show you how much I love you by giving you all the best things." I cuddle into him and nod but I still don't agree I'll just let it slide this time. "Hey I haven't really asked you much about yourself because you know like all about me and I've never really asked. So let's play 20 questions." I nod, "ok when is your birthday?"

   "April 27th. What is your favourite food because I know you hate carrots," I ask laughing.

   "Pizza. What about you?"

   "Pizza. it fun singing infront of billions of people?"

   "Yes, but it gets tiring. What's you favourite color?"

   "The color of your eyes and orange. Who is you favourite boy in the band?" I blush when I say the bit about his eyes.

   "Um Niall. What about you? Well other than me of course."

   "Oo getting cocky now are we? I'm kidding and same probably Niall. Who is your least favourite in the band?"

   "Liam but don't tell them! And what about you?"

   "Harry sorry. He's too flirty and he gets on my nerves quickly. Em who do you dislike the most in the universe?"

   "Either my birth father, Danielle, or the Wanted. What about you?"

   "Either my 'exes', my old friends, or you," I say with a straight face. He looks at me like I am stupid or like you did not just say that. I laugh and hug him, "Babe I love you I can't dislike you I was joking."

   "Awe you called me babe!"

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   "Awe you called me babe!"

   "Do you like that," I ask nervous that he doesn't.

   "I love it but not as much as I love you," he says then kisses me passionately. We pull away, "I think it's your turn to ask a question."

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