Ch. 106

71 1 0

Lauren's POV

I come back to the couch and he takes his spot in my lap.

"Be gentle," I tell him. He rolls his eyes.

"If I'm not, I won't get the opportunity again," he points out.

"True. So be nice!" He nods and helps me with my dress. He starts to unbutton the buttons while I untie the belt. "This is so weird," I blush.

"Lots of men do it," he rolls his eyes.

"You're thirty! How old are they," I ask.

"Honey, I'm not the only man that wants to drink his wife's breast milk," he looks me in the eyes. I blush more. He continues to unbutton my dress until it's undone to my belly button. He helps me pull it down my arms before he gently takes my nipple in his mouth and starts sucking. It feels so weird, but I have to remind myself this will be a regular thing. Knowing Louis, he will be doing it every opportunity he can. "Not bad baby girl," he smirks pulling away for a second.

"Really? What's it taste like," I ask.

"It's creamy and sweet," he smiles before latching onto my boob again. It's actually kinda hot once I stop freaking out that my adult husband is breastfeeding off of me. He drinks all that's in the first one before pulling away. "Do I have permission to have the other one too?"

"Yes," I laugh he grins and drinks it. I play with his hair and he smiles as he sucks, but makes sure to keep his teeth from hurting me. Once he's done, he helps me get dressed again.

"Save some for me for breakfast tomorrow," he winks. I smack him offended.

"I'm not just going to be used as a milk maid!"

"I know that angel," he says sweetly. "I'm just saying, don't let it go to waste when it's good enough to use."

"Fine," I sigh. He kisses me sweetly and I can taste it's sweetness. It's not bad. I see why he likes it.

"Now that baby has been fed, he wants a nap," Louis says smiling.

"I'll tuck you in, but I'll be on the balcony since I'm not tired and Rosemary is moving," I tell him.

"Ok baby," he grins. "If you want to come cuddle, you are always welcome to!"

"I know sweetheart," I blush. "Thank you."

"Anytime darling!" He gets in bed after I pull the covers back. Once he's settled, I pull them over him and tuck them like a mother does in movies before I kiss his forehead.

"Sweet dreams baby boy," I smile.

"Thanks angel," he grins and closes his eyes. I laugh and start to pull the curtains a bit so it blocks the sun out of the main part of the room. "You're perfect!"

"Shut up and sleep," I laugh loudly at him.

"Yes ma'am," he laughs and closes his eyes again. I go onto the balcony with my phone and call Leslie.

Leslie-Hello love! How is everything?
Me-Great! I have a quick question though about breastfeeding.
Me-Is it normal for my grown ass husband to breastfeed off of me?
Leslie-*bursts into hysterics* yes! It's normal!

"Honey, if he's doing that, it's normal. If he doesn't, something is wrong with him," the woman below our room says. I blush.

"Really? Like I thought it was weird at first, but even he told me men do it all the time," I reply.

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