Ch. 105

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Lauren's POV

"Calm down baby," Louis tries.

Jay-Hello baby!
Louis-Mum, what do contractions feel like?
Jay-What? She shouldn't be having those!
Louis-Just explain what they feel like!
Jay-Like period cramps, but they intensify dramatically. It starts burning like your legs would if you're doing squats. What is she feeling?
Me-Tightening. I definitely know how big Rosemary is right now! It doesn't hurt though.
Jay-Oh thank God! You're experiencing Braxton-Hicks contractions. Your uterus is practicing for labour and delivery. Everything is ok.
Louis-So it's normal?
Jay-Perfectly normal! If it starts hurting, go to the doctor on the boat.
Louis-Ok. How long should these last?
Jay-Tops twenty minutes. Try to change positions and hopefully it will go away.
Me-But I'm standing...
Jay-Then sit.

   I sit down and they go away.

Me-Oh...ok! Thank you Jay!
Jay-No problem love! Call if you have any other questions! I love you both! Be safe!
Louis-We love you too! Thank you and we will be!
End of conversation

   "Are you ok baby?"

   "Yeah. That was freaky though. I was like, I'm not exactly ready for her yet," I laugh. He smiles and kisses me.

   "I know! We don't have a pre-packed baby bag with us either."

   "We have Elly," I stifle a laugh.

   "No!" I burst out laughing and pull him into a hug.

   "I love you!"

   "I love you too," he grins. He presses his soft lips to mine before we get back up and get ready. I get dressed in a marbled blue and white bikini and Louis gets dressed in a pair of blue swim trunks.

   As soon as we are ready, we pull on cover ups and go to the fun shops to buy sunscreen

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   As soon as we are ready, we pull on cover ups and go to the fun shops to buy sunscreen. We buy Banana Boat then go to the pool. Louis sprays me first before I spray him and we lay out. "Lauren, you're looking a bit hot, you need some sunscreen," Jackson says coming over to me with a bottle of Coppertone, which I happen to be allergic to and he knows that. Louis quickly blocks the sunscreen with his hand before he turns the cap and locks it. "What the fuck man?"

"What the fuck to you too! Clearly you know she's allergic to it," Louis spits.

"Really Jackson," JoAnne asks from behind him.

"What? It was going to be funny," Jackson shrugs.

"For you! Not for Lauren or Louis," JoAnne scolds. "Louis, I'll watch her while you wash your hands."

"Thanks," he smiles and kisses my cheek before he finds a bathroom.

"How's it going," she grins at me.

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