Ch. 52

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Lauren's POV

   "Let's get a bath baby," he smiles. I nod and he turns the water on then takes off my bikini. "I'm so lucky to have a sexy ass wife like you!" I smirk then hide it with a smile as I have a dirty plan! By dirty I don't mean mud! He gets in then helps me in.

   I 'accidentally' slip and fall onto him sliding my hands down him about to grab him but he grabs my arm and pulls me up smirking. "Nice 'slip' babe," he says with raised eyebrows. I roll my eyes.

   "Was it really not believable?"

   "No it was, but I know my wife," he smirks.

   "Asshole," I mutter leaning back onto him while his arms wrap around me. Suddenly fingers launch inside my asshole and I gasp and tense up.

   "That's an asshole," Louis laughs.

   "FUCKTARD," I scream as he slowly pulls his fingers out. He laughs and tries to kiss my cheek. "Not after that stunt you just pulled!"

   "What the hell?"

   "Nope! You don't let me touch you then you fucking launch your fingers into my ass! Hell! No!" He sighs and grabs my hand. I try to pull it from his grasp.

   "Uh uh! You wanna fucking touch me? Touch me," he says angrily. I pull my hand away as fast as I can and sit on the other side of the bath tub.

   "Talk Louis. Let's not get angry please," I beg quietly trying not to trigger him. He lets out an angry sigh. He doesn't say anything. I get out and grab a towel walking out of the bathroom.

   "DAMN IT," I hear him scream frustratedly. I get dressed into my pyjamas and lay in bed while tears slowly fall. After a long time he comes out with puffy, blood shot eyes. He grabs his clothes and walks to the couch. I start sobbing and call Jay running downstairs obviously falling.

Jay-Sweetheart what's wrong?
Me-I'm sorry to call you this early in the morning for you but I feel like he's angrier.
Jay-Sweetheart, have you tried to talk to him?
Me-yes! We got into a fight over something in the bath and I told him to talk instead of being angry and he let out an angry sigh and didn't say anything. I got out and got my towel and changed and he cursed and didn't come out for a long time. When he finally did he had clearly been crying and he grabbed his clothes and walked to the couch not saying a thing. That's when I called you and fell down the stairs.
Jay-Oh love, are you ok?
Me-I don't know. I tripped on a root earlier and had some problems breathing. Jay I'm scared. What if he is falling out of love for me?
Jay-he would have cancelled the wedding. I know my Louis. So other than the fighting has it been enjoyable?
Me-it's been like heaven but these three fights are tearing us to pieces. If he doesn't stop then I may have to leave earlier than the seventh.
Jay-Stick in there sweetheart! I know you can! Like I said don't let this ruin your marriage!
Me-I'm trying!
Jay-Alright, call me when you wake up. I'm sorry, I'm just exhausted.
Me-No! I understand, I'm sorry.
Jay-it's alright love. Get some sleep and talk to him again.
Me-Thank you Jay! Goodnight!
End of conversation.

   I try to get back up the stairs but I'm having a hard time. "LOUIS," I scream as I feel myself get dizzy. Right as I'm about to make contact with the stairs Louis catches me. He carries me upstairs and lays me on the bed.

   "What's wrong Lauren?"

   "I fell down the stairs calling someone then got dizzy when I came to talk to you," I cry.

   "Who'd you call," he asks.

   "Your mum," I say quietly.


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