Ch. 32

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Lauren's POV

Today is the day of the concert. I am letting Louis do what he wants but like Jay and I said, it's until he puts the job over me again. I don't want to get up. He is still asleep and I just want to cuddle with him all day. After an hour or two I hear his alarm go off and I sigh. He isn't getting up. Yes!?! But then again no, I can't let him get mad at me for not getting him up. I gently shake him and he groans and rolls over. "Baby, I don't want you to get up but being the woman you love I have to get you up and keep you happy. You have to get ready baby," I say sadly.

"Get ready for what," he asks.

"The One Direction concert baby," I reply. He shoots up and hugs me tightly.

"Baby it's all going to be ok! You are number one not the music," he says. I close my eyes trying to let what he said sink in but it's not working in my favour. "C'mon angel, lets get ready," he says sadly and gets up. He walks into the bathroom and I sigh and cover my face with my hands. I have a really bad feeling about this. It's giving me a stomachache and a headache.

"LOUIS?!?" He runs out.

"What's wrong baby?"

"Can you please get me some medicine? My stomach is killing me and so is my head," I ask and he runs downstairs. A few tears fall as my head pounds even worse. When he comes back up he runs over to me and hands them to me and a bottle of Gatorade. I groan and cry a little. He hugs me tightly.

"What happened? You were fine when I was in here with you," he asks concerned.

"I have a really bad feeling about tonight, it started giving me a stomachache and then the headache and now they are both at their top power of hurting. I have a REALLY bad feeling," I cry. He pulls me onto his lap and kisses my temple. I curl into him and he caresses my hair.

"It'll be ok baby, mum is coming too," he smiles. I nod and hold onto him tightly. He grabs his phone.

Louis-Hey mum, I need you over here as soon as possible! Lauren has a major migraine and a huge stomachache! She says she has a really bad feeling about tonight, I need your help while I get ready.
Louis-Seriously?! That's not fair!?
Louis-Ok I'll tell her sorry mum.
End of conversation.

"Baby mum can't come tonight, the hospital won't let her leave," he says sadly. I cry even more. I curl into a ball and he tries to calm me down. He picks me up and carries me into the bathroom. He gets me undressed and him too and turns the shower on. "It's ok baby, calm down angel!" He picks me and sits me on the seat thing in the shower. He rinses himself then picks me up and rinses me too. I cling onto him and he sighs. "Baby you have to work with me. I'm so sorry angel," he says sadly. I try to stand up but my head hurts even worse. I cry harder and he holds me tightly. "I'm sorry angel, here sit down for a second baby," he says setting me down. He bathes and then picks me up and bathes me. When we are done he gets us out and dries me off then himself. He sits me on the toilet seat cover and grabs us some clothes. He runs back in and gets me dressed then himself and he helps me brush my hair and teeth. When we're ready he puts my shoes on and his and carries me downstairs and into the kitchen. The pressure in my head grows and I groan. He sits me on the table and tells me to look into his eyes and focus. I can't and it makes my head hurt worse. "I'm so sorry baby, do you need food?" I shake my head and he sighs. He runs upstairs and gets our phones and keys and picks me up again and carries me to the car. He lays me down in the backseat and starts to go.

"Can you hold my hand," I ask as loud as I can and he reaches back. He rubs his thumb across the back of my hand and before I know it we are at the arena.

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