Ch. 147

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Louis' POV

   I find mum in the living room and sit next to her and lean into her making her smile. "You ok baby?"

   "Yeah. I'm just worried about her. Poor thing is completely passed out. It's like she's in a sleep coma."

   "She might be with the amount of energy she lost throwing up," mum points out. My eyes widen worried.

   "Don't say that," I shake my head. "I can't cope with her in another coma!"

   "She will be just fine baby," she kisses the side of my head. I sigh and nod. Phoebe comes in and screams happily and attacks me. I laugh and hug her then the three of us cuddle together.

   "What are you doing here Boobear," she asks.

   "We are spending the night," I grin and kiss her cheek making her cringe. I laugh and pull her closer. She cuddles into me happily.

   "Can I possibly join," Daisy asks sadly. I sigh.

   "C'mon love," I motion her to come too. She smiles and curls up in my lap making me laugh.

   "I missed you! I'm so sorry for what I said! I was just mad," she apologises.

   "Daisy, you made your own mistakes. You should never have thrown Fiz into the mix. That's why she was mad at you. We were doing our best to help Fiz keep it a secret as we helped her, but you didn't care about what anyone would think other than getting yourself out of the hot seat. Then you started targeting her because I was calling you out. What the fuck made you think it was ok to bring up my past like that? Or lie to her about Leslie? Daisy, she was scared to trust Leslie when she met her because she didn't want to have someone with a past with me getting close again. You scared her making her think Leslie and I lied to her! Then you continued to break her heart to the point she showed everyone she hit her lowest point to get you to realise you weren't the only one going through something," I rant. She clings onto me scared I'm going to stop talking to her since I'm mad. "I love you Daisy, but stop this bullshit against my wife. She loves you so much and she'd do anything for you. She has enough shit going on and really doesn't need this family to attack her either. And Simon is mad at her too."

"Why," Jay gasps.

"She called him out on controlling the boys. He's not very happy about it. He said if I were still under him when she did that, he'd ruin my career," I sigh.

"And he's her stepdad," Phoebe gasps.

"That's why she's not scared to call him out. But he's definitely not happy that she's getting so confident to call his company out," I explain.

"Hey Lou," Daisy asks shyly.

"Yes love," I hum.

"Why did she cut again," she asks softly.

"Everyone was mad on the cruise and I got mad at her for her getting mad at me for yelling at Elly who was treating her like shit. She expected Lauren to help her with the wedding when she didn't even invite her. It was completely shitty. I yelled at her then stormed out annoyed that she didn't appreciate me backing her up. In reality she did, but it wasn't helping anything with the amount of tension in the room already. I went to the bar and drank and apparently she kicked everyone out of the room. Next thing I know I got a text in a group message and she was saying sorry for causing issues and she went through each of us, but when I saw 'when I'm gone,' I ran as fast as I could to stop her. I ran everyone who was in my way down. Thankfully she only did it a couple times, but she was terrified and shaking and completely broken. She'd already told me she felt alone, but I made it worse leaving. She said that her depression got so bad that she forgot about Rosemary and all she wanted to do was to make it stop," I sigh. "When I reminded her about Rosemary she was completely shattered. She felt so horrible for ever putting her in danger. It was heartbreaking." The three of them reach for my cheek, but Daisy gets there first and wipes my tear away. I sigh for my precious angel.

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