Ch. 110

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Lauren's POV

   Louis never once lets go of me as I cry. He does his best to calm me down.

   Once I've calmed down enough to stop crying, he carries me back to Liam and Sarah. "Love, are you ok," Liam asks softly.

   "No," I cry again. Louis sighs and buries his face in the crook of my neck and kisses it softly.

   "It's ok baby. You won't lose her," he coos sweetly.

   "She doesn't want to lose me," Sarah asks confused.

   "No. She's scared you both fucked up," Louis explains for me.

   "Lali, if you forgive me I'll forgive you," Sarah says softly. I quickly get out of Louis' comforting embrace and attack Sarah.

   "I'm so sorry," I apologise burying my face in her shoulder.

   "I forgive you! I'm so sorry for everything I've ever put you through! I'm so so sorry!"

   "I forgive you too!" We soon pull away and Louis hugs me and kisses me sweetly.

   "See. I told you everything would be fine," he smiles. I get on my toes so I can be as close to him as possible. He laughs and picks me up.

   "Sarah told me about how she introduced you to the band," Liam smiles. I blush.

   "How," Louis smirks. Sarah explains it to him while I play with his hair. "Awe! My baby already knew who she would marry before she even met him in person!" I blush more and he chuckles. "You're precious!"

"As soon as I heard your voice, I couldn't get enough of you," I blush more. He grins brightly and kisses my cheek a few times.

"You're so perfect! I have my biggest fan and supporter as my gorgeous wife!" I bury my face in the crook of his neck making him laugh.

"I have my favourite person in the whole world as my stunning husband," I one-up.

"Stop one-upping me," he bursts out laughing.

"Never," I giggle.

"So who was your favourite when you first heard us," he asks Sarah.

"Liam," she blushes. "I got a full size Liam poster." I roll my eyes.

"What," Louis asks me.

"I wanted her other posters but she threw them away."

"She was being a bitch about it then too," Liam says.

"Me," I gasp shocked.

"No. Sarah. She told me about it and the concert thing," he explains. I sigh in relief, but pout. I should have gotten to go to that concert. I had money saved to pay her back for the ticket.

"Can someone explain the concert thing to me? I'm confused," Louis adds confused.

"Sarah promised me a ticket to the Nashville, Where We Are, concert. I called her a bitch for making me look like a fool in front of my crush and she gave the ticket to Hailey when Hailey didn't even like y'all. When they got back, they kept bragging about it and telling me how amazing it was. Then Hailey told me she got the balloon Harry blew up. I had been so excited to see you in person, but then I never got to. Every time we went to a family friend's place North of Nashville, I'd cry going through Nashville knowing I'd probably never see you. It was worse when y'all went on the hiatus because I kept being told y'all would never come back. All I wanted was to see all five of you in concert and just see you in person," I explain to him.

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