Ch. 95

69 1 0

Lauren's POV

We go into the bathroom and it's just as bad as the room. "I'm going to fucking kill her," I grit my teeth pissed off.

"I'll call her," Louis says calmly.

Louis-Can you please explain why this room and bathroom look like a disaster?
Elly-Oops. I forgot as soon as Niall let me come home.
Louis-So are you going to come clean it up? I already cleaned out your shit from the fridge that went bad.
Elly-I can the day after tomorrow.
Louis-Well what are you doing now?
Elly-Feeding my daughter then going to bed.
Louis-Then I'd suggest sending Niall before my wife kills someone. She's not exactly happy since we are trying to get everything ready for the baby before she is big pregnant.
Elly-But he's in bed.
Louis-It's either you or Niall coming tonight. If you do remember, this is our house that you left a mess. I'm not exactly happy either, but I have to help my wife calm down. Now, someone better be over here in ten minutes or I will personally drag one of you back here to clean it up!
End of conversation

I giggle making the boys laugh after being so serious. "I've missed you," Zayn grins and hugs me tightly.

"I've missed you too Z," I grin back. When we pull away, Liam attacks me causing me to scream. He then carries me out of the room and I scream louder not knowing what is going on. Louis runs after me and grabs me.

"What the hell Liam," Louis asks glaring.

"I wasn't stealing her," he bursts out laughing. "It was supposed to be a joke."

"She's pregnant mate, be careful with her," Louis calms down and pulls me into him.

"Sorry," he apologises with a smile of amusement. Louis brings me back into the room and Liam follows.

"That was bloody funny," Zayn laughs loudly and high-fives Liam.

Once we calm down, we start cleaning the bathroom. I see a bloody tampon on the floor making me sick. I run to our bathroom and throw up. Louis comes in and holds my hair back while rubs my back for me. Liam brings me a wet rag to wipe my mouth and Zayn gets my toothbrush ready for me. "I love my boys," I grin. I clean myself up then brush my teeth.

"What got you sick anyway," Liam asks as I brush my teeth.

"Bloody tampon," I reply, but it sounds like, "bu-ee am-on." They look at me weirdly. I roll my eyes and spit. "Bloody tampon." They cringe.

"That's disgusting!"

"I know," I nod and finish my teeth. Louis picks me up and I kiss his cheek. "I love you!"

"I love you too darling," he grins and pecks my lips. He sets me down in the bathroom, but pulls me backwards into him. "Don't go near it again." I nod and kiss him.

After digging through all the shit in the bathroom, I find my thong that Louis bought when I had gotten shot. "Damn! This is a nice thong," Zayn smirks seeing it.

"Louis do you happen to recognise it," I ask him. He looks at it then me.

"She went through your fucking underwear," he asks annoyed.

"That's yours," Zayn ask me surprised and I nod. "No wonder you're pregnant!" I roll my eyes and keep cleaning. I find another pair with period stains on it.

"I'm fucking done. She is cleaning this up," I speak pissed off as I walk out. Louis catches my hand and pulls me into him.

"I was just about to go get them," he smiles maniacally. I sigh and nod. He grabs my hand and the boys follow behind us with grins.

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