Ch. 36

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Lauren's POV

   I wake up in the bed without Louis. I get up and walk downstairs to see everyone still having a great time. What the fucking hell?!? It's like four in the morning!?! I roll my eyes and walk into the kitchen. I grab a banana and walk out back. If I'm staying out here then might as well come on out. The funny thing is they never noticed me. God I fucking love these people, note the sarcasm. I roll my eyes and eat my banana. I chuck the peel to the door and curl up to go to sleep.

Six in the Morning

   I wake up and I'm covered in snow, not cold though. Why the fuck is it snowing in May?!? I get up again and grab the frozen banana peel and walk inside. Everyone is still up and still having fun. I notice the beer bottles on the coffee table though. I roll my eyes again and grab the keys to Louis' Range Rover and drive to the tea shop I worked at. I order Jay's tea and drive to the hospital. I walk to Jay's room and knock. She answers a weak come in and I do. She smiles at me and opens her arms for a hug. I quickly walk into them hugging her back. "Why are you so cold," she asks concerned. I explain what happened and she sighs. She pulls me over to her on the bed and I lay beside her. "Louis is just getting thicker and thicker as the days go by," she says.

   "I don't know what to do! I mean I love him and I would totally talk to him, but he's with his friends and I was the one who says the party pooper can leave. I just don't know anymore Jay," I sigh and hug her. She caresses my thawing hair and hugs me tighter.

   "Maybe you should call him," she suggests.

   "No, I left my phone at home for a reason. When I left I noticed the beers and I don't like when he has alcohol," I say.

   "I understand love. Why don't I call him and talk to him then after a while you go back home?" I just shake my head.

   "Can I stay with the girls tonight? I have a feeling the boys and Elly will all be at home again tonight," I ask.

   "Of course you can sweetheart!" I nod and thank her.

   "Do they know yet?" She shakes her head sadly. "Jay the longer you wait the harder they will take it," I say.

   "I know, if you think it's a good idea then you can tell them tonight or in the morning before you leave," she says. I nod and thank her.

   "Oh I almost forgot! Here is your tea! It's still hot," I smile.

   "Oh stop it love! I don't need this!" I laugh and kiss her cheek.

   "It's all good memories Jay! Just trying to keep you happy while you stay here," I smile. She shakes her head and rolls her eyes.

   "I love you sweetheart! Now go on and see the girls," she smiles.

   "Love you too Jay! You stay safe now. I want you out mum," I smile and she pulls me into another hug.

   "You called me mum," she gushes.

   "You pretty much are," I smile and hug her tighter.

   "Ok now you better go before I start crying! I'll see you soon love," she smiles and I nod.

   "Have a good day Jay," I smile and leave. I drive to their house and open the door. Nobody comes in so I go to the living room. No one. I go to their rooms and I see them in Lottie's room. I burst through the door and they look up at me and just stare. "No hugs," I ask kinda hurt.

   "You come over after like a month and a half and expect hugs," Phoebe asks. My heart drops and I just drop to the ground.

   "I'm sorry," I apologise as a few tears fall from my eyes.

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