Ch. 107

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Lauren's POV

   The four of us talk as Sarah and I get our hair done, but I keep my eyes on Louis. He notices a few times and smiles at me or laughs.

   After a while, he gets up and comes over to us. "Just out of curiosity, does the dye turn orange because it's 'ageing' or getting activated, or is something wrong," he asks.

   "It has to do with the colour. The hair will turn out the colour she wants, but the dye has to tint it from a darker shade. Everything is normal," Tanvi tells him.

   "Yeah baby, it was a tan-ish colour when I dyed it the current colour," I smile.

   "I trust her, but I was just curious," he says. "Liam was wondering the same since Sarah's dye is chocolate, but it went on white."

   "Yep! It's normal," I grin. He pecks my lips with a smile.

   "How's my baby girl doing," he asks.

   "She's pretty calm right now. Keep your hands away from her because I do not want to have her push on my bladder when you make her dance," I tell him.

   "I hear you angel," he chuckles and kisses me again. "Do you need anything? Sprite? Water?"

   "Can you get me a sprite," I ask and he nods. "Ask Sarah and make Liam get it for her." He chuckles and asks Sarah who wants a cocktail.

   "I envy you being able to drink that tropical cocktail," I scowl playfully at Sarah making her laugh.

   "Well, now that you have Louis and Liam gone, I have a secret for you," she grins.

   "Ok..." I look at her nervously.

   "I'm also pregnant. I took a few different tests before we left. Liam doesn't know yet and I'm scared. Please don't get mad at me," she says ready for me to scream. My hormones are crazy though so I grin.

   "How many months do you think you are?"

   "One...I've only really had sex with Liam. I had a dry spell for a few months."

   "You didn't use protection when I was telling you to not fuck him," I cross my arms.

   "No, he ran out of condoms," she blushes.

   "You're lucky Louis just got me in a good mood with Rosemary because I'd be screaming your head off if it wasn't for him."

   "I know and I'll have to thank him later," she smiles. "I will let you tell Louis, but don't let anyone else know. I don't want Liam to know in case he doesn't want to be with me."

   "Bitch he put the baby in you, he's fucking staying or I'll cut his dick off and sell it like I warned Harry," I sass. She laughs.

   "But what if he doesn't want me, but he wants the baby?"

   "Let me deal with it if the time comes. I don't give a fuck if he tries to end our relationship again over it. He better be ready for the next time he treats me like shit because I'm fucking over it," I admit.

   "He knows you are. He knows that yesterday was the last day you'll ever let him get away with that behaviour."

   "Yep," I pop the 'p' as I say it. Liam and Louis come in laughing. Louis hands me the sprite and kisses my cheek. "Thank you sunshine!"

   "No problem darling," he grins. He and Liam take a seat again. I know Sarah is nervous about his reaction, but he isn't getting away with impregnating her and leaving. It will be just like Nelly and their first baby. After a while, I think of getting my nails repainted instead of the green.

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