Ch. 134

31 1 0

Louis' POV

"My friends got me started doing some things," she says.

"Like what," I ask with a smile.

"Um...things," she looks down.

"Félicité. What are you doing," I ask lowly. She looks up at me nervous.

"It just started at a party and it wasn't supposed to feel that good, but once I did it I couldn't stop," she rushes. My heart stops. I notice how pale she is.

"Have you tried to stop?"

"Yes," she nods. My face falls in my hands.

"Have you tried rehab?"

"No. I don't want people to know," she shakes her head. "Especially mum!"

"Do the others know," I ask. She shakes her head. "I'll help you love. You are winning this battle!" She jumps up and hugs me tightly. I hold her in my arms and I can feel how tiny she is. "Are you eating?"

"Not much," she shakes her head.

"Maybe we have spaghetti and a full English for dinner," I suggest.

"I won't be able to eat that," she looks at me worried.

"If she could get through it, so can you. Let's get you something to eat now and we can work our way up to a full appetite. Are you ok with going to therapy in secret," I ask. She nods. "I'll go with you."

"What about Lauren and Rosemary?"

   "She'll understand. She won't judge you either." She smiles and calms down. "Want to go today," I ask. She hesitates but nods.

"What about Lauren?"

"We can bring her to the penthouse with Lottie," I say. She nods and I talk to Jack real fast before I finish working and make Fiz an appointment. I wake Lauren up when we need to go. "Angel?"


"Fiz and I need to go somewhere and I need to bring you to the penthouse," I tell her.


"I'm going with Fiz to get some help. She's gotten into some dangerous things and she's not really eating." She sits straight up.

"Are you ok? Is someone after you," she asks Fiz worried.

"Nobody is after me. I just got into some things at a party and can't stop," she mumbles. Lauren quickly embraces her.

"Whatever we need to do we will ok? If we need to take you somewhere out of country we can love! Whatever you need we will do!"

"Thank you," Félicité tears up.

"You're gonna make me cry! Don't cry Fiz," she says starting to get really emotional too.

"If she starts crying, she won't stop," I laugh referring to my hormonal wife. They both laugh and stop crying.

   "What did you eat this morning for breakfast love," Lauren asks Fiz.

   "Avocado toast," she says. Lauren and I both cringe. "What do you have against that?"

   "We don't like avocados," Lauren chuckles.

   "Trendiest food of all time," I scoff. Lauren giggles and wraps her arms around my neck.

   "You're cute," she grins and pecks my lips.

   "You're sexy," I turn the tables making her blush.

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