Ch. 145

29 1 0

Lauren's POV

"How was the match," Waliyha asks all of us.

"Bloody brilliant," Louis grins making me giggle and grin too seeing how happy he is and knowing we won!

"So we lost," Doniya asks.

"Big time," Martin nods.

"For us it was three-nil," I grin more. Louis suddenly pulls me into a passionate kiss. I can't help the surprised noise that slips from my lips. When he pulls away, he gives me a look.

"No more British! You're too sexy as it is," he says. I blush deep red and hide in his chest. He laughs.

"Louis, she's been turning British for seven years," Harry laughs.

"If she'd like me to screw her brains out right here then she'll keep talking British," Louis warns. I tighten my grip on him.

"Who knew Louis was this horny," Martin laughs to Safaa.

"You don't know the half of it," I say giving him a look before hiding again. Louis plays with my hair to help me calm down.

"She's gonna fall asleep if you keep playing with her hair," Liam reminds Louis.

"But it's so pretty and soft and it helps her calm down," he responds clearly pouting.

"That's so cute," Doniya coos. I blush even more.

"She's embarrassed," Louis chuckles as he pushes my hair back while he plays with it.

"When is she due again," Yaser asks.

"April 18th," Louis is definitely grinning.

"I'm ready to see princess Rosemary," Zayn says.

"She's mine," I give him a look.

"Unfortunately," he huffs crossing his arms. We all burst out laughing. Zaneyah starts crying so Zayn runs to get her eagerly. I coo.

"He really loves her," I melt.

"At least we know we have an easy babysitter," Martin jokes making me laugh.

"Yeah. We have at least nine," Louis says.

"Nine," Sarah asks confused.

"The lads, mum, Lottie, Fiz, and the twins."

"Technically ten with Simon," I add.

"Oh yeah," Harry hums like he's not on board with that one.

"What's he done now," I ask.

"Noth-" Kelsey cuts him off.

"He's trying to take back over," she says pissed.

"I'll talk to him. He tried to do the same to Louis and I got my way," I admit.

"Its weird that your stepfather is trying to control your husband and his band mates," Liam points out.

"I'm thinking the same thing," I nod not exactly happy with what Simon is doing. "He's trying to run Louis' company when he isn't even part of it."

"You know Louis will be the owner of One Direction if we don't sign with Simon again," Harry says. I look at Louis confused.

"Good," I smile after a second. "He's only going to be the best for all of you!"

"But he's technically on a break from it since you won't let him back yet," Liam mumbles.

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