Ch. 94

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Lauren's POV
Two Hours Later

   Louis wakes me up and we thank Jim before grabbing our bags and meeting Harry and Kelsey at the car. "What time is it," I ask him.

   "Let's just say it'll be dinner time by the time we get back home," he responds. I look at Louis and feel tears ready to fall for no reason at all. He quickly picks me up and I cry into his shoulder. "What just happened," Harry asks shocked.

  "She is very sensitive right now and she's tired," Louis explains. Harry nods understanding even if he doesn't understand that I'm pregnant.

   "Are you guys ready to go home?"

   "Definitely," Louis nods. Louis lets Kels stay up front while he holds me in the back.

   "Is she ok," Kelsey asks concerned.

   "She's sensitive right now and tired. She's fine," Louis nods. He kisses my forehead then rubs my back. I soon fall asleep on Louis.

Two Hours Later

   "What do you want for dinner baby," Louis asks me as I wake up.

   "Nando's," I mumble. He tells Harry my order then Harry goes to Nando's and picks it up.

"Has anyone talked to Phoebe," Louis asks once Harry comes back.

"No. You should probably call her," Harry tells him. I press my face to Louis' chest and take in his scent.

"Would you quit smelling me darling," Louis asks laughing.

"No. You smell good," I smile and sniff him again. He shakes his head with a smile.

"You smell good too Harry," Kels smiles at her boyfriend as he drives.

"Did you just kiss my cheek to smell me," he gasps at her.

"Yep! It was worth it," she grins.

"These girls! Who just smells someone," Harry asks Louis.

"My wife and your girlfriend apparently," he smiles.

"I still can't see you guys as officially husband and wife," Kelsey admits.

"Sometimes I can't either, but I know we are," I smile curling further into Louis.

"Oh! What tattoos did you guys get," Harry asks excited.

"She got 'forever' since she is staying forever, and I got 'always' because I will always love her and always be here for her," Louis explains grinning at me.

"Who came up with it," Kelsey asks.

"Lauren. She wanted it to be reminders to us as well as showing that we are the other half to each other."

"That's so cute! I want a tattoo now," she pouts.

"No. You don't need anything marking your body," Harry shakes his head. I laugh knowing Louis was the same way.

"It's not that bad! Like look at Lauren! She has two and it doesn't take up much room and it is still cute!"

"No. Not happening," Harry shakes his head again. Louis gets that look in his eye that he's kind of regretting letting me get another one for the same reason as Harry.

"I don't know about Kels, but I honestly didn't like Louis marking up his body at first, even though he looks fucking sexy with tats. Like how he has the one on his perfect ass," I admit.

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