Ch. 46

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Lauren's POV

   We walk out to the field and Andy is talking to Darren. I turn to Louis and hug him tightly. "I love you Louis," I smile and kiss him.

   "I love you too angel, remember what I said and I'll be yelling from the sidelines," he smiles. I nod and we pull away. When I walk out Andy notices my presence and walks to the middle of the field.

   "Are you ready to lose love," Andy asks.

   "The real question is are you ready to lose to a twenty one year old girl that doesn't play football," I smirk.

   "No, I'm gonna win," he smirks.

   "Keep dreaming princess. Maybe one day you'll be where the people are maybe you'll see them dancing and walking around on those what do ya call 'em, feet," I sass. He rolls his eyes and smiles.

   "Ok Ariel, lets get this finished. We are going to play a full time unless you want to give up halfway through. We will play like a normal game with halftime and everything. I'm guessing Louis is coaching you," he asks and I nod, "ok good because Ferguson is coaching me."

   "Wow your coach is gonna coach you," I laugh.

   "Ha ha, your fiancé is coaching you," he jokes.

   "He is a really good footy player! Don't be knocking him," I defend.

   "Alright love," he laughs. "Ok, we have a ref to...ref. Wow I sound so smart," he jokes.

   "It's ok, I'm really stupid," I laugh. "I know how this works so let's get started." He nods and runs off to Darren. I look at Louis and he waves me over. I quickly make my way over to him and he brings me into a hug. "I'm expecting you to literally yell everything I need to do. I don't wanna hear you yell cross because I don't have anyone to cross to," I smile.

"Of course I will babe. I won't be yelling stuff you can't do," he smiles.

"Count up all the goals because I'm getting a bunch of kisses!" He laughs and kisses me passionately.

"I believe in you! You can win and if you don't you are on the couch. I can't have a loser in bed with me," he says. I pull away from the hug with my jaw dropped.

"Do you want to go home? I can figure this out without help if you are gonna act like a dick," I say starting to get worked up.

"I'm only joking baby. I could care less if you won or lost! I need you to calm down, if you are like me playing then you will miss the ball trying to kick it and it will aggravate you more. Calm down baby," he says. I grab his hands and he kisses me sweetly. We pull away moments later and I let out a frustrated breath. "Good girl, breathe!" I do as told and hug him again. "Alright sexy, get out there and win this," he smiles smacking my ass.

"For you babe," I smile and run to the middle of the field and wait for Andy. Niall Mason notices me and tells Andy and Darren to get finished. Andy soon runs out followed by a ref.

"Just so you know this ref likes me," Andy smirks.

"That's not fair!?! That means if you do something worthy of a red card you don't even get anything!?! If I foul it's like oh you get a red card," I say getting worked up again.

"Exactly," he smiles.

"LAUREN CALM DOWN," Louis yells to me. I breathe and calm down. "GOOD BABE!" I give him a thumbs up and look at a smirking Andy. The ref finally arrives and notices Louis on the sidelines.

"Hey Louis," he smiles.

"Hey mate! Treat my girl right," Louis says.

"Oh she's yours," the ref asks.

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