Ch. 122

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Lauren's POV

I rest my head on his chest and smile. "Hi baby," I smile up at him.

"Hello love," he grins. I kiss him again, but this time it's short, but not short enough for him to second guess himself. Who fucking knew it would be this technical to kiss the man I love? "Angel? Can we just relax when we get home," he asks after a couple minutes.

"Honey, that's exactly what I want to do! I have been begging for it for I don't know how many years! I just wanna cuddle with you while we have the time to!" A smile appears on his face.

"Good! The boys shall be warned!" I giggle at him and snuggle closer. "Do you really want to have sex tonight," he asks next.

"I'm going to please you Louis," I give him a look.

"That's not what I asked."

"It's what I answered," I sass.

"The reason I'm asking is because I am not really in the mood anymore. I just want to hold you and snuggle all night. I don't want to upset you if you're in the mood, but clearly from your sass you aren't." I blush and bury my face in his chest. He laughs and kisses my forehead.

"I didn't want to turn you off either," I admit.

"I know," he chuckles and caresses my hair. I smile happily and close my eyes.

"I love you Lou!"

"I love you too angel!"

After a few comfortable minutes, the door opens making us groan. Louis makes sure I'm covered before we glare at all of the boys and Sarah and Kelsey. "What," Niall asks.

"Did you not read the sign on the door? Or the message we sent y'all about not coming in here right now," Louis asks.

"We did, but we have a few things to discuss. You're not having sex right now, are you," Harry asks. I groan and let my head fall into the pillows.

"Zayn, can you get my pyjamas for me," I ask him. He nods and finds them. "Thanks!" Louis helps me put them on without the others seeing. I curl into Louis and sigh.

"So what are we discussing," Louis asks.

"Elly and Hailey are on their way. It's a full group discussion," Niall says. I roll my eyes.

Soon the other two girls show up and Zayn starts. "We may have changed some plans for leaving. Don't get mad!"

"What are the changes," Louis gives them a look.

"The girls want to see their families for a bit when we leave so we are going to Alabama for the night," Harry says.

"I'm not stepping foot in Alabama," I shake my head.

"C'mon! If you wanted to go some place then we would be going," Niall whines earning a glare from me.

"I can't handle being back! You saw what it does to me and I almost divorced Louis at least five times in the short time we were there!"

"It's just a day," Kelsey tries.

"We have plans in London already," Louis backs me up.

"Than change them," Sarah says.

"No! We have had this set up for a few days! I'm not changing the plans," I argue.

"Ok, then y'all are taking a plane back to London," Liam says.

"If anyone is taking a plane, it's you lot! It's my jet," Louis scoffs.

"You can't even let us go for twenty-four hours," Kelsey asks.

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