Ch. 171

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Lauren's POV

   As soon as the door closes, he bursts into tears. "Baby, it's ok! It's long over now sunshine! Please don't cry! Please baby," I beg.

   "Like she said! He was my friend! I put you in that position inviting his sorry ass to our house in the first place! I never did beat his ass for touching you either!"

   "You kinda did." He looks at me like I'm an idiot. "After all of it happened and you saved me," I point out dumbly.

   "Oh. But I didn't even get to him. I was beating the shit out of the other two pieces of shit," he grumbles pissed at himself.

   "Look, it's over. Focus on me right now. Not what happened to me years ago. We have so many positive memories together that should outweigh that one sweetheart. It's over," I say cupping his cheek. He nods looking down. He gives a small smile as he presses his hand to my belly that's between us.

   "Especially this one," he grins up at me.

   "Exactly," I grin back and kiss him. He hugs me tightly and buries his face in my neck.

   "I'm so sorry I ever thought it was a good idea to join them so I could get you. I knew either way after I got there, you'd get raped anyway and I fucking hate that I agreed to it! I broke your precious heart," he cries again.

   "Baby, you are the same man that picked up every little microscopic piece of my shattered heart and put it right back together. You temporarily cracked my heart, but you made it all better again," I tell him looking into his eyes. He calms down again and hugs me tighter.

   "I love you angel," he whispers.

   "I love you sunshine," I smile and kiss his cheek.

   As soon as we calm down, we go outside too. We don't care about the cold as we go to the fire pit we had made. We all sit around it after we get it going.

   "I'm sorry for bringing that up," Sierra apologises to me sincerely.

    "It's ok. You didn't know about it. There's no hard feelings," I smile softly. She smiles back glad.

   "Why do the boys look so gloomy about it," she whispers.

   "After Louis saved me, the boys came back since Niall was taking us on a tour of his village. We stopped there and I was a mess. Harry was the first to figure out what happened to me there and got out knowing the three pricks were still in there. The boys followed and I tried to stop them, but Harry carried me in over his shoulder. We got locked in again and I was almost raped again with Harry being forced to watch. Soon Louis, Zayn, Greg Horan, and Paul Higgins came and they brought me out and the boys, minus Niall, went in to beat them up. Each of them came out one by one, but Louis didn't. I ignored the boys and found him on the ground barely alive. I made the boys take him to the hospital and he came out alive. The boys saw a lot of what happened and know what happened to me the first time. That's why it's such a sore topic for them," I explain.

   "I'm so sorry," she apologises.

   "It's alright. Thankfully I was able to move past it and grow with Louis from it," I smile.

   "How come he was so close to it," she asks catching on.

   "He heard what they were going to do and he pretended to not love me and claimed that he only wanted me for sex, which we know was a lie because he waited six more years before he had sex with me. Anyway, the plan was for him to stop them before they could do anything to me, but he couldn't since he'd blow his cover. Unfortunately I got raped, but there was justice and I was able to grow from it rather than let it consume and destroy me. Louis still really struggles with it because he blames himself since he was there, but I don't. I know if he blew his cover, he'd probably be dead. That's not a life I want to live even if he really was who he pretended to be."

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