Chapter 1 - Chevy

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Hello everyone! I hope you enjoy this story. This is a story I will update when bored or I get to 10  votes or comments. I will not do weekly updates. I want this story to have as much feedback and go in the direction of what the readers would be interested in. I already have the first few chapters written so comment anyway and I'll see if I will throw it in that direction. Also I will need characters for Chevy and Jess's siblings and family members. So if you'd like to be in it or have a name please suggest.

Anyway enough of that. Please enjoy the story!



"Come on Chevy! We need to be first in line because I got meet and greets and I want to be  FIRST!" Jessica yelled. I rolled my eyes and took out my ear bud that was in my right ear.

"Calm down Jess. We will be at the concert two hours early if we leave now." I told her getting off the couch.

"UGH! I am meeting LUKE BRYAN, can't you show any enthusiasm?" She said to me. I shrugged.

"You drug me into going to a COUNTRY concert. You know I'm not into this music." I told her.

"You never tried to give country a try. Luke Bryan is like the HOTTEST man in country right now. And a bachelor if I may add. After you hear him sing you'll fall in love. No doubt. It's better than your, "A Day To Remember, Metallica, Pantera, Slipknot, Avenged Sevenfold, All That Remains Alice In Chains" metal headed bull crap. It's cool to an extent but broaden your horizon!" She said jumping up and down. Oh gosh, she is beyond hyper. I went up to her and put my hands on her shoulders.

"Calm down. I'm going because I'm your best friend. I also listen to more than that. You know, rap music, rock, pop, and you sure as hell know I love Ellie Goulding." I told her with a smile.

"I swear you're gay." She told me.

"Tell that to Rocko." I winked at her and she laughed.

"That boy toy of yours. Jesus Christ. He is hot but, come on. Country men are hot too! Their tan arms, those farm muscles, their cow boy hats or caps on backwards, and that draw to their voice. OH! can't forget their cowboy boots. Oh my god." She said totally fan girling over all country guys. I scoffed.

"Come on, lets just go before I change my mind." I told her grabbing the keys to my truck.

Well, now that we are on our way to the concert, I can tell you about me and Jess. I am Chevy Lynn Mason Yes I was named after a vehicle company and yes I drive a Chevrolet Silverado. I am 24 years old and I work as a mechanic. I am a total tom boy. I have mostly guy friends but Jess is my best friend since we were younger. I'm 5'9, I have black hair, my eyes are green, and I'm tan. I've lived in Tennessee all my life. My father has taught me everything I know. I grew up with him because my mother passed away of cancer when I was 10. He was a mechanic and really into cars. So that's how I got my name in a nutshell.

I live with Jess now in our two bedroom house It's a two bedroom, two bathroom, small house with a nice couple of Akers of land. Jess has been around through everything. She helped me out of my first heartbreak, and has been there through all my fuck ups, and happy times. We are more like sisters than we are best friends. This is also why I'm doing this for her. Jess is a blonde, blue eyes, she is shorter than I am, she always dresses country, and is either really hyper or pissed off. There is hardly any in between.

We finally got to the venue and she quickly got out of the truck before I could even turn it off. I laughed at her while shaking my head. I got out of my truck and looked around at everyone who was around. Jess came to my side and crossed her arms at me.

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