Chapter 45 - Old and New Relationships

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I woke up before Luke today and decided to go bother my father and sister after I got my shower. I got dressed into something nice and made my way to their room which was across the hall. Luke wanted it that way since he said this will be a very good trip for us. As he winked at me of course.

I knocked on the door pretty hard until I heard someone groan and get up. Pa opened the door in his sleep pants and a tee shirt. He frowned seeing me and then walked away as I was able to walk in.

"Your sister is in the bathroom. You two still get up early as hell." Pa said. "We are on VACATION!" He grumbled.

"Pa you will be fine. You can relax all day if you want."

"Tommy is going to pick me up and we are going to the farm and then we are hitting the bar. The bar was obviously my idea." Pa said jumping back into bed. He is still like a teenager. I laughed and shook my head as Denny walked out of the bathroom.

"Chevy, what are we doing today?" She asked as she was all dressed up nice again. She normally stopped caring again about being in sweats or not. I smiled and shrugged.

"I don't know. I came in here because Luke's lazy ass is still sleeping and I don't feel like having a hard time in trying to wake him up." I said. Denver smirked and looked at Pa.

"It's almost 11 to where they come in to clean right?" I nodded. She smirked and went to the fridge. "Bucket time." She smirked. I remember doing that to Pa. That is why she looked at Pa.

"You're gonna piss that poor boy off. I like him. Don't scare him away." Pa said.

We both just laughed and got out of their room. We went to the ice machine and then came all the way back to my room. I opened it up to see Luke had no covers on, was only in boxer briefs, and was fully exposed to get ice all over.

"WE are only gonna do ice because I don't think it will dry in time." Denver whispered. I nodded but then smirked.

"Fuck it." I said grabbing the bucket and going into the bathroom. I filled it up a little with water. I shook it up a little to make sure the water got cold.

We went back over to Luke and I let Denver hold onto the bucket. I grabbed a piece of ice to see if Luke would wake up by me dragging it down his torso. He didn't even stir which meant we were good. I grabbed a hand full so I could put it on his junk, as Denver was going to get his torso and face. I moved our phones thinking ahead before we counted down.

"3...2...1..." Denver and I whispered before she yelled go.

Both of us put whatever ice and water we had on Luke. He jumped right out of bed yelling, "What the fuck!" which is quite hilarious. Denver and I fell onto the floor and rolled around laughing by how funny that was. This is the first time that we have done this since we were young. I miss these days.

Luke was standing above us. Soaking wet and cold probably looking pissed off like Pa did. I looked up at him pointed and was going to speak but it came out so butchered by how hard I was laughing. Denver was unable to even get an ounce of composure.

"You two women are assholes." Luke said. I looked up behind my tear soaked face from all the laughing to see him smirking. I know he wasn't mad then.

"You... you... should... hahahaha." I said and then took a minute. "You should get a shower." I stated then laughed again. He sighed.

"Alright fine. You two try to clean this up." Luke said giving us the, "you better so we don't have to switch rooms," face. I saluted him then laughed again with Denver.

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