Chapter 48 - To The Moon And Back

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~Jess's point of view~

Today is beyond hectic. It is Chevrolet and Luke's wedding. Chevy stayed with Luke's mom last night. I got a call at 5 in the morning from Chevy. She couldn't sleep and was beyond excited. My best friend was getting married and was overly happy with it. I am feeling the same way for her because honestly I didn't see a day like this ever happing. When Rocko was around I saw her marrying him because he got her pregnant. I thank God every day for her to marry a man that would treat her great.

All the girls were in the dressing area right now. Our dresses were on. My hair was done. I was basically ready. Chevy and I got our nails done yesterday. She even made me sit through her getting her teeth whitened even though they really didn't need it. She quit smoking so long ago it seems. Chevy became so girly for this.

Miranda found one of the best hair dressers ever for all of us. Chevy was the last one to have her hair done. Also her makeup was still to be done. I looked around at the girls who all looked so beautiful.

Miranda was standing near Chevy talking to her. She had such a glow to her in the dress. She also looked so pretty with her hair up and make up. The way she treats Chevy is great. I would have never expected another woman to take care of her like me. I'm glad someone is when I can't be around due to the baby.

Jordan was sitting looking happy to be there. She was looking at her phone and kept looking up. She was a very nice girl and I'm happy Chevy picked her to be another bride's maid. She fit right in with all of us even though she was young.

Denver was looking exceptionally well compared to the old her. She had meat to her bones. She didn't look strung out on drugs or tired all the time. Her complexion was tan and not pale. She looked healthy and happy. I haven't seen her like that ever and if I have I don't remember by how long ago it was. She has really changed and I could tell Chevy is really happy about that. She cared about her sister but was close to leaving forever. Her being here will make Chevy realize everything that has happened was worth getting her to this point.

I was brought out of my observations of everyone when Carter knocked on the door then entered. He had a bag in his hand. I know that was my cue to grab Chevy's present to Luke. Carter looked at me and winked.

"I have a delivery for an almost Chevrolet Bryan. I was told to get here before her makeup went on." Carter said. Everyone laughed.

"What's up Carter?" Chevy asked. He walked over and the big bag he had he held up.

"Now Luke said there are two gifts. One you'll love and adore. Jess also will freak. Two the second gift is going to be the best ever okay? I would love it if I was you so gift one first. Jess you can't leave." Carter told me. "Luke can wait." We all laughed. Carter grabbed something out of the bag and handed it to Chevy. I walked behind her and the girls came. It was wrapped in colorful paper. Chevy's hair was done so the make-up and hair artist was backed up. Chevy unwrapped the gift and it was a photo album.

"If it's blank I'm going to slap you both." I told Carter. He smirked and shook his head no. Chevy opened it and it said, 'The beginning.' I looked closer and it was a ticket. My mouth went wide. It was the ticket to his concert we met him.

"What's that?" Jordan asked. Chevy had a huge smile and turned to us.

"This is the ticket of the concert Jess pressured me to go to. The concert I met Luke at. That's why it says the beginning. At the bottom it reads the golden ticket." Chevy said.

She went through the album. It went to the picture I took of her looking not too happy to be at the concert. Then there was a picture of a few of the days Luke hung around the house with us. That is before she started to really admit that she liked him. One thing he put in under a picture of those two hugging I took was, "I couldn't wait for this to really become a forever. For you to finally realize a redneck was going to lift you off your feet, travel the world with you, give you his heart, and spend his forever with you." I saw her tear up as it went on.

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