Chapter 53 - Bella

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My father has stayed at Luke and my house for the past week while we made sure it was wheel chair efficient. That also helped us help him. He didn't want us putting a lot of money out there so we told him that Major, Denver, Luke, Carter, and I were doing most of the work. Which we did. We made sure that his bed was easy to get in and out of. We made sure there was a pull up bar to help him. He didn't seem to need a pull up bar enough. 
He was doing very well with the wheel chair. He said his muscles are getting a work out but it's great he already has all these guns. Which he showed off his arms. He was doing wheelies in it which the doctor told him not to over do it. My father said he is under doing it with the weak ass wheelies he was doing. That's my Pa for you.
He has stuff for his bathroom now. I am glad he has a stand up shower. Luke said we might have to make it bigger. he could have room for the wheel chair so he can sit on the chair and wash then get back on the wheel chair. But for now it would be fine especially since we would find someone to help him out. We moved things around for him to be able to get around and we even had to make a ramp for him to get in and out. He told us not to go threw the trouble with getting him a vehicle to drive. Denver said if need be she will, if not he ca ask me, if not he even asked Jess. We are all willing to help.
He was not hard to please. He just wanted to go back to his house. He said that he wants Nova but I was not going to let him have her. Maybe I would get him his own dog. See if we can possibly get one of those Mobility Assistant Dogs. In fact. I had a plan. I looked threw my phone until I found the PERFECT DOG. 

"Luke, I need help." I told him from one room. He was watching TV with my dad so I heard him come into the kitchen. He looked at me. He saw I really didn't need help. He then smirked thinking that I wanted to have sex. I shook my finger at him.
"Perv. I have an idea actually." I said. "Can you grab something from the top shelf. Looks like I really did need you." He smiled. 
"You do. What is it?" He asked grabbing something. It was a dish so I guess I'll make some cobbler. 
"Mobility Assistance dog. I found her." I said. Luke looked at me. 
"They have those?" I nodded.
"They help with opening doors, grabbing dropped things, pulling them up ramps, bringing the phone and remote, turning lights on and off, opening the fridge, assists with dressing and undressing, emotional and mental support and more. Help me get her PLEASE she is all the way in Oklahoma." I said. Pointing my phone.

He chuckled and grabbed my phone. He read and looked threw the pictures. This was a golden retriever named Bella. She was owned by someone before. They passed and their kid is going to give the dog to someone who needs it. Normally you have to get a new one when you get one but this one is trained and they want it to go to a good home. Bella seemed so great. They had pictures of her helping out and doing things. Luke just smiled. 

"Call them. I'll keep him busy. Anything we got to pay or I gotta do to get that dog here I am in. I'll text Major and see if he can get some dog things and set up a place for her. We will have her in a few days if we could." Luke said kissing me. I kissed back. He is so sweet. 
"Thank you baby!"I said. I was happy. I called the number and someone answered instantly.
"Hello?" A woman answered. 
"Hi, My names Chevrolet Bryan. I am calling asking about your dog Bella?" I asked. I heard her move around quickly.
"Yes! Bella. She is so sweet. Are you in need of a mobility assistance dog?" She asked.
"Well, not I. My father is. He was just in a severe accident. He hurt his spinal cord and is now in a wheel chair and needs assistance." I told her. 
"Wonderful. You do know she is over 5. She was for my mother who passed away a year ago. We didn't want to part with Bella but she should go to someone who needs her. We have four dogs already." She laughed. I did too.
"My father would love her. He don't know i am doing this for him but he will fall in love with her. This is going to be a surprise. He rescued dogs in the past and gave them amazing lives and I think he would do the same for Bella and she would do the same for him. He is lonely living in his house by himself since my ma passed a lot time ago. I am wondering though. I live all the way in Nashville..." I told her. 
"Oh that is a long drive for us..." She said.  
"Well, I am willing to do anything for this to happen. Money is not the issue here. The issue is I want my dad to be happy and I would love for Bella to be his companion. I would love for us to meet so you know who the dog is going to and if you want to meet us in Nashville with Bella so you can see where she is going to stay and meet my father that would be something I am willing to work out." I told her. 
"Oh my god. Really? This is amazing. We had a call before but their insurance helped them get a young dog. I don't know what to say. Can I call you back? I got to talk to my husband about this... This is amazing." She said.
"Please do. Are you sure you want to give Bella away too?" I asked.
"Yes! My husband and I believe love does not have a price so Bella should go to someone else who is going to love her and she is going to help." I smiled.
"Thank you so much ma'am. I am sorry but I never got your name." I said.
"Oh crap. I'm sorry. Where were my manors. My name is Victoria Steele." She told me. 
"Well it was nice talking to you Mrs. Steele. I hope to hear from you soon." I told her.
"You too Mrs. Bryan!" She said and hung up. She was excited.

I was excited too. I texted Luke and looked up a recipe for cobbler. So it seemed like I did something. I quickly put it together and was texting Luke the whole time. I had it in the oven and joined the boys. My father looked at me and I sat back down. Right as I sat down our doorbell rang. I got up and it was Major. He was telling me that he was almost done. He was finishing the house tomorrow because he had to pick up his son. 
That was fine by us. My father really did not mind staying with us but I know how he felt. He wanted his own place and his privacy. We couldn't give him too much of that with having to help him sometimes. In our bathroom we had a big enough shower for him to shower. The only problem is getting him up the steps. He is uncomfortable with Luke picking him up but he is trying his hardest to do it alone. He slowly climbed up the stairs backwards an lifts himself onto the chair. 
I got a call back two hours later. They were in to bring Bella to us. I let Luke talk to Victoria's husband. They set up a plan and Luke told them their hotel is on him. They would not let him pay for gas or food. They said they planned on being here by 4 tomorrow. I hoped Major was done everything tomorrow. My father was going to see his house without the dog stuff in it first and the hopefully we could bring in Bella and see how she is. I also want to see how her and Nova get alone. Nova loves other dogs and is really sweet. She shares her bone with Jason's dog. 
That night I was so excited I was up half the night. I wanted to see her already. I wanted to see the look on my fathers face. I wanted to see how Bella liked him and how great she was at helping him out. Luke and I talked in bed for a while thinking about how we were going to do this and a plan was made. I was happy with it and I knew my father was going to be happy with this. I texted Denver my plan and she was happy. She said she was going to keep her mouth shut. I was going to tell Jess after it.

I woke up the next day. Nova was licking my hand. I got up and showered. I put on a nice flannel and tight jeans. I put on my boots and went downstairs. I heard my dad cough so I knew he was up. I started the coffee pot but it already was. I grabbed a cup and headed to the living room where he was. He was sitting on the couch. Nova came up and sat next to him. He looked over at me and smiled. 
We talked for a while and I told my dad that I was going to be looking at a dog to adopt today. He told me he wanted to be apart of it. I was trying to hide my smirk. I think it worked because he didn't question me too much. Luke got up and had coffee too. Then it was time for us to be off and be busy for the day. 
My dad and I went around everywhere. We got lunch. We wet to the shop. He rolled around checking on everyone and everything. People were glad to see him. Major was working on my dad's house currently He hid the dog stuff he said in a closet. Which was fine by me. I don't think my dad was going to be checking his closets to see if they were wheel chair accessible. I was getting nervous and could not wait.
When Major texted me he was ready and that was the same time I got texted that they were an hour away. I was started to get really excited. I texted Luke and told him to met at my dads. I was excited enough to where my dad could tell. I told him that the people were going to meet me at his house for the dog soon so that is why. He didn't realize that it was going to be his or what the dog was for. This was going to be amazing. 
Major was standing outside holding gloves and when he saw us he threw them on a tool box. His truck was parked in front of the garage where my dad kept his Nova. There was a ramp that was easily detachable form the house so when my dad would walk he would be able to get rid of it. Luke was not far behind. Once he got here we decided to walk around inside. My father was okay with all of the changes. He said his house is the same minus it looks like it has more space. He checked out the bathroom and his bedroom and made sure he was able to do everything. When we were about done I got a text from Victoria saying that they just pulled up. I excused myself to go outside and meet her. I saw they had a Chevy Spark. She was standing near the front and I am presuming her husband was opening the back door. I walked over to her and extended my hand. 

"Victoria?" I asked. She smiled and shook my hand.
"You must be Mrs. Bryan." She said. I nodded and smiled. 
"You can call me Chevy. This must be your husband?" I said motioning over to the other side of the car. He had a leash in his hand. He looked over to me with a smile. 
"Oh yes. Drew." She smiled looking at him. She looked to be in her mid fifties as did he. He came around the car with Bella. She had her vest on and was gorgeous. Her hair was swaying as she walked. My mouth dropped. "This is Bella." Bella walked where Drew did and sat when he stopped. 
"She is gorgeous. Now are we not allowed to pet her still with her vest on?" I asked.
"Well they're tried to not respond to things like that. Drew she won't go no where. We can take that off." Victoria said. He did as he was told.
"She loves peanut butter treats. I actually have some to give you that I've made. I also provided the recipe in her bag." Her husband said. "I'm a baker back home so I make them for customers and some for the dogs at home. They're people friendly too. Just not sweet like we'd want." He smiled. Bella was off her leash and knew she was free. I knelt down to her level. She looked at me and sniffed. She came closer and sniffed.
"Hey Bella. You're so cute. Yes I have a doggy of my own. Her names Nova." I told Bella. She got closer and bowed her head. I decided to pet her and she let me. Her tail wagged and I knew she was good with me. "Let me go in and tell the others that she's here. My father don't know I am doing this. He thinks that I'm adopting another dog for Nova to play with." I smiled. 
"Well, she is great with other dogs. We have four and their all different shapes and sizes." Victoria said. I excused myself. I went in and saw them about to head out anyway. I jumped with joy. Luke chuckled at me. Pa was wheeling his self behind us. Luke had his arm around me and Major was last coming out of the house. We all walked and wheeled over to Victoria, Drew, and Bella. 
"Everyone, this is Victoria, Drew, and Bella, and This is my friend Major, my father Richie, and My Husband Luke." I introduced everyone.
"You're Luke Bryan. That famous country singer." Drew said with a smile.
"That's me." He said. He looked down and Bella was sniffing him. "This is Bella. She is beautiful. Hey baby girl." Luke said petting her. She looked up at him and let him pet her. She went right over to Major and started sniffing him.
"That's Bella. She is 5. We have all her papers. We have all her things too she likes. She likes her Teddy. Like Drew told Chevy she likes her peanut butter. She likes all food but won't beg at the table." Victoria said. We then watched her sniff Pa. She sniffed his wheels and then him. He smiled down at her and pet her. She put her head on his lap. I put my hand to my heard and looked up at Luke giving him my 'awe' face. 
"She loves you." I said smiling.
"She just keeps looking up to my face then down to my stomach then up to my face." Pa chuckled. "Bella isn't that beautiful in Italian?" He asked. 
"Yes." Major answered. 
"Now, would you like to see what she can do?" Victoria asked. We all nodded.

We went into the house and Bella followed. She got her to do everything she told me. She even told my dad to try to it show she listens. Bella seems to of taken a liking to my father which made this so much better. Victoria told me she thinks this is the best place for Bella. i told Mason to end up putting the bed and stuff in Pa's room while we all went outside and was going to surprise my dad. 
When we got outside Luke followed Drew so he could grab all the stuff for Bella. Bella was looking at Victoria. I looked over to my dad who was watching the dog.
"What do you think Pa?" I asked.
"She is going to a wonderful addition. Nova's gonna love her." He said.
"What about you?" I asked. 
"She is sweet and so smart. She is going to love her new home." He said looking at me.
"Well. She ain't living with me." I told him.
"The hell did you make this people waste their time then?" He asked.
"Surprise! It's yours!" Luke said handing him over her harness and leash. My father looked confused.
"I'm in a wheelchair how can I?" He asked. 
"Bella is actually a Mobility Assistant Dog. She helps people with problems moving around. She can help you in all the ways I showed you. She is a great companion too. She is 5 years old and loves cuddles." Victoria said.
"Chevrolet Lynn. Did you get me a dog?" He asked. I smiled and nodded.
"Do you like it?' I ask him. He looked at Bella and called her over. He patted his lap and she put her two front paws on it and started kissing him. We all made the awe noise. He hugged her and looked at me and had tears in his eyes.
"Thank you so much!" He said still hugging her. I looked at Victoria and she was crying. She was happy Bella was going to a home like this. I told her if she wants she can get picture updates of Bella.

They appreciated that. Luke said if they want they can get pictures with him and what not. That was going to make their daughter jealous. They also had a three night stay in Nashville complementary from us. I hope they enjoy their time because this is going to make my father so much happier and it will be easier since he won't really want anyone to come in and help him. IN a few weeks time we will start therapy an hopefully this will help him. Bella seemed to be at home so my work here is done. I love this.
Luke seemed so happy. He came over and hugged me and kissed me after they left. He said how proud he was that he had such a loving and caring wife such as myself and how much he wanted to make love to me later. Which of course we did. life may have its downs but it is up from here!

Thank y'alls for reading!

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- Pup

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