Chapter 35 - Aftermath

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I woke up to a phone ringing. I opened my eyes and saw that Luke was not in bed. I looked over to my phone and answered it without really looking at who was calling me.

"Hello?" I asked in a hoarse voice.

"Chevy! What the hell happened?" Jess asked. I sighed. She's at work and my dad either told them or is waiting for me to. She must see my truck.

"I'll explain it later. Does Major know?" I asked.

"No. Your dad said we will know from you. I want to know what the hell happened to my best friend! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She asked sounding more scared.

"Yeah. I'll be at the shop sometime today to explain so you guys know. I'm alright." I told her sitting up and swinging my feet over the bed.

"Okay good. Major and I are worried. You father won't tell us anything. Oh also one more thing business related." Jess said. I smiled.

"What?" I asked nicely getting up a walking downstairs.

"Roger Davis came in. He said that he already came in and talked to you since he had to get a motor replaced. He told you he was going to check other places because he thought you were high with the price. He came back in an hour ago. He asked when can he bring his truck in and get it done because he has the motor. I told him you were scheduled to work today but you had an unfortunate even happen so I don't know when you'll be in. He said to call him but I told him how about he tell me what time and day he can drop off the truck. He said in two days at 5. Is that good for you because that is Saturday and you had it off. He also doesn't want anyone else but you to do it." Jess told me. I saw Luke was in the kitchen with a cup of coffee and a paper. I smiled and got myself a cup while she told me all of this.

"How about we talk about it when I get in okay? I got to see what Luke is up to today to know when I can stop in since you know I don't have a truck anymore." I said.

"Oh okay. What should I do when the insurance company comes?" She asked.

"They probably won't come for a few days but if I am not there, you allow him to the back where my truck is and you stay out back while he or she checks it out."

"Alright. I'll see you later. Love you girl."

"Love you too Jessie." I said hanging up. Luke looked at me.

"I thought you had a day off." he said taking a sip of his coffee.

"I do but Jess and Major are worried about me. Jess also said that guy with the motor came in. I have to go there and call him because he is eager to get this done and I have a feeling he will be a valued customer." I told Luke.

"Alright. Whenever you get dressed I will and we can head over. It's whatever you want to do today. Just please, since you're off no more than an hour or two at the shop. I want to have a good day with you." Luke said. I smiled and leaned over the counter to kiss him.

"Do you have something planned Mr. Bryan?" I asked. He smirked.

"Well I'm thinking a movie, dinner, and possibly walking this trail I love to walk." He said.

"Sounds perfect. How about I make sausage, eggs, and toast. Then we can get dressed and head out." I smiled.

"Thank god. I'm starving babe." I rolled my eyes and smirked.

I made sure Luke and I were nice and full before I cleaned the dishes and got dressed. Luke had to call his manager so he could do these two interviews this week. While we were getting dressed he told me he will take me to work and bring me home on those days. Then on the days he has nothing planned and I work then I am free with the truck to do whatever.4

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