Chapter 3 - Small Comfy Home

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When we were walking to my truck, Jess and Carter were in front of us holding hands and talking. Luke and I were silent. We didn't talk much. He did tap my hand a few times and I looked at him and he smiled. Which I returned. I saw my truck unharmed and I was relived because it was the only vehicle left in the parking lot. I unlocked it and all the light came on inside. Jess and Carter stopped on the passenger side and looked back at us dropping their hands from the others ones.

"Luke, you can have front. I'll sit in the back with Carter." Jess said. Luke smiled and nodded.

"Makes sense since you're the shortest two and Luke and I are the tallest." I said. She stuck her tongue out at me.

"Don't do that unless you wanna use it babe." I winked at her and she flipped me off.

"One day I'm going to catch you off guard when you say that." Jess warned me as I walked to my side and opened my door. Everyone got in and I looked back at her.

"That'll be the day you stop denying your love for me." I told her winking. She huffed.

"Sometimes I think your friends influence you too much." I laughed and shook my head. I turned on the truck and buckled in. I almost forgot to turn down the radio since it was blasting when we were on our way here. It was on a metal radio station.

"How far are you?" Carter asked from the backseat.

"30ish minutes. Since there is no traffic and warning, I speed, we can make it in 20." I smiled and backed out of my parking spot and got out of the lot.

"Chevy, can you change this to a better station." Jess asked me.

"But Jess, they're playing Crazy Train by Ozzy." I told her.

"Can't you be a redneck for 20 minutes?" She asked me. I laughed.

"Now now." I told her. I changed the station a few times till it came onto a rap song. "Is Tupac okay with you Jessica?" I asked her as we were speeding down the interstate towards home.

"I was thinking Raw Country, or WCMS." She told me. I rolled my eyes.

"No offense but we were just at a country concert Jess. It's also late so why not upbeat hype music?" I said.

"Country can be upbeat. Look at Luke. He has country girl. We can play my CD in here." She said. I shook my head no.

"You CD's only consist of Luke, Jason, and Blake." I told her.

"So?" She said.

"What would you guys want to listen to? Since y'all's are both quiet." I said looking over at Luke. He looked at me and shrugged.

"I like everything." Luke said.

"Same here." Carter said.

"Y'all's two are no help. Here Luke just change it till you find something you'd listen to." I told him. He nodded.

He went through a bunch of stations. I had XM radio and he went through the country knowing I didn't want to hear that. Or that's what I thought. Maybe he'll find out I am not a country fan. He then made it back to station 1 where it was the top hits of today. It was playing Wiggle by Jason Derulo. I smiled and kept my eyes on the road. I sped up a little noticing Jess and I talked for 5 minutes so we had probably 15 to 20 minutes.

Jess and Carter were in the back having their own conversation while Luke and I were still silent. I wanted another cigarette and was going to open my center console when I felt Jess do it. That made Luke and my arm move. I looked back and saw her have my pack and was putting two in her mouth. She offered one to carter but he declined. She lit the two and tapped my arm. I looked and grabbed one from her.

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