Chapter 26 - Stop Smoking

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Luke and I have been on tour for about 2 months. I've already used some of the winning money to pay for the house. It was not much by far. Everything on tour has been going great so far. I loved it.

Today I was actually going to try and figure out what to do with the house. I was up before everyone. I had a notebook out, with a pen, and just sat at the table. I put so many ideas down on the piece of paper.


Rent it out.

Use it to keep all my extra things in it.

Use it to farm crops and sell from the house.

Those are the only ideas I came up with for over an hour. Luke was up and making coffee. He was not in the mood in the mornings when he was on tour. I was tapping my pen on the paper and the put the cap end of it in my mouth. I was lost for thought now.

Luke came and sat down next to me. I looked over at him as lead over and looked at the paper. There were doodles all over it but only about 20 words actually written down. He reached over and grabbed the notebook from me and just looked at it. He took a sip of his coffee and then put his hand out for the pen. I gave it to him and he turned so I couldn't see what he was doing.

I just waited for him to finish writing or drawing. He turned to another page and restarted what he was doing or added. I watched him attentively. He smirked a few times and then looked over at me. I gave him a questionable look and he just smiled. He soon finished and took a sip of his coffee.

"Alright, this is my idea. You don't have to like it but I can bet you'll love it. Don't think about the cost. Just think about the idea of it. Okay?" He asked and I nodded.

He handed over the notebook and had a drawing and words written. It was a drawing of my house with an addition on it. At the top it said, "Chevy's Auto." The addition looked like a huge garage. There was also a lot of parking on the one side and there was asphalt everywhere. The house looked like it had a little work on it. I looked at him and then back at the drawing.

I read everything that had arrows pointing to what it was. His idea is to create my house into my own auto mechanic shop. It looked like it would actually work the way he had it set up. My mind started drifting off on how it would look on the inside of the garage and how the house would is connected to make it look like it went so well together. I smiled wide and looked at Luke.

"So, you said not to think of money and I didn’t. This idea is great. Now can we think of the other problems that will arise to get to this because I'm willing to work something out to start paying for this to happen?" I told him. His eyes shot open wide. He looked so surprised that I am taking so well into this idea.

"Wait, you seriously like this idea?" He asked me. I nodded. "I can have my manager look up legal things for doing such a thing. Then we can see how much all of that would cost after." He smiled.

"I know automatically I'm going to have to get a loan out for this. I'm going to need lifts, machines, tools, ramps, and to register the company. Just those are going to cost a lot alone." I said writing even more of what I'm going to need. He looked over at the paper. "A nice tool box is going to cost 10,000 easy. That is just for everything, well mostly everything that you need. I already have mine and most shops require you to have your own. Which is what I'm probably going to do. I'm going to have tools that are not in every mechanic's tool box. Like special tools for each specific car. Like you have the imported cars like BMW's and Honda's. The house already has space that I'd be able to use for storage. Also there is a bath and a half in the house so I won't need to add a bathroom. The mechanic's and everyone can use the one downstairs. The downstairs could be full of shelves for filters, oil, Dw40, other essential things like bolts, screws, nuts, washers, and it's all organized. There will be a chart and one person would be in charge of what goes in and out of the room because it's signed out so then keeping inventory would be a lot easier. Jess could do that. She could have a better job and I trust her already." I said having all these ideas going through my head. Luke just listened and smiled. He pulled me into him and kissed my forehead.

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