Chapter 59 - Gender Reveal Party

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Everyone is gathered at our house for our Gender Reveal Party. We made sure to have it after Joanna's second birthday party because we didnt want everyone to have to choose one or the other. Not all of us have jobs that make it easy for everyone to get off. 
Joanna's 2nd birthday party was great. She had so much fun. A bunch of Jess's family came which is still a surprise but she made up with a bunch of them. This little girl is spoiled but Jess said she does not want another one until she is married with Carter. Which is probably best for her. I support any decision she wants. 
Right now the only person that actually knows what we are having is James. He said he would get his wife to help him with this. We wanted everyone who is the closest to us to not know anything. James works with Luke if you don't remember. I use to smoke cigarettes with him. 
He made it to where Luke has to shoot his bow at the two balloons that are at the end of the field James said once he hits one and it pops him and his wife are going to light up the colorful smoke rocket things. I forget what he calls them. 
Luke and I know that it is going to be either two boys or two girls by one of the ultrasounds. So that means we are going to have identical twins. She told me we will easily be able to tell them apart but no one else is going to be able too. Which is going to stuck for everyone else especially when they go to school.
The party was great. We had things set up mostly inside since it was still the middle of February. The only part outside is when we have to gather to see. I don't think most of us are going to care about the cold. People have started doing bets on what it is going to be. Most people think it is going to be two girls. Since that is how my dad's went and Luke's family always had girls first it seems. 
We had people already RSVPing for the baby shower. Luke's mom was saying she wants to make the cake then and do the food. She wanted to help out so much. It sometimes is over bearing but she knows that I am not allowed to do a lot of things. I have to be very careful with what I am doing at all times now. Though my doctor says that I am doing wonderful and so are our babies. 
I was sitting in the love seat in the living room where some people were. I just was thinking about things ahead like I always did. My main thought was I was going to send a thank you basket to James and his wife for all that they have done. This was a lot for them to do. We only asked for a little bit but his wife made sure they went all out with a cake, balloons, smoke rocket things, and decorations of pink and blue. 
Luke was going to finally let LBTV know and twitter. He was going to basically let the whole fan-base know about us having babies. This would make me able to do that on my twitter. My twitter has grown so many followers ever since Luke and I started dating. It's crazy. There is some negative things but that is nothing that I have to worry about. I don't really pay attention to it. 
I was brought out of my trance by Luke.

"Baby, I am really anxious. James and his wife say they can do everything now. Our family is here. We may be missing a few friends but that's alright. So." Luke said and asked at the same time. I nodded and smiled. 
"I can't help but keep thinking about it. Let's do this!" I told his standing up. He grabbed my hand and we headed outside. 

We did have to wait for Jess, Carter, James and his wife to rile people together. There was actually two bows. Luke explained that he was talking to James and said as long as the cross bow was loaded that I would be able to shoot. Which was great. We would both be able to shoot at the same time and have the shock hit us both of what ever we are having!
Everyone was together and we had to get them quiet. Most people already knew what was going on because Jess informed people as they came in. She was anxious too. She has been massively supportive even though she has Joanna. 

"Alright! Are we ready!" James yelled from down the field. It was faint. Carter laughed. He put his thumb up for James to know he will take over. 
"Get your arrows ready!" Carter said. Luke made sure the cross bow was set and gave it to me. I held onto it and aimed down the field to my shot. Luke did the same with his bow. "We will all count down together." I looked over at Luke. He was already looking at me. He smiled wide and winked then went back to focusing. I did the same thing and the count started. "3.....2.....1.....SHOOT!" Carter yelled from the side of us.

Luke and I both let the bows fly. I thought I was pretty dead set for the center of that balloon. We quickly set down our bows and the arrows pierced the balloons together. Right then you could see the fire light as the blue paint came out of the balloons. The smoke then started and they waved it around. 
I went right over to Luke not caring how I placed the bow and hugged him tight. We were going to have twin boys. Luke kissed me and we heard everyone cheering.

"We are going to have boys!" Luke yelled. Everyone cheered. I looked to see my fathers reaction. I know he always wanted a boy because all men do in some way. He did get a tough tom boy with me though. My father was clapping and had a huge smile. It was great to see how happy he was.

Everyone seemed to have the same reaction. Pure joy. Which is great. This is something I love. After that we ate some food and ate some blue velvet cake. It had butter cream icing and said Congrats Chevrolet and Luke! 
I ended up going back to my favorite place to relax. Luke would come around every now and then to make sure I was drinking my water and relaxing  the way I should be. He was always worried and trying to take care of me and I loved it. 
People came by to talk to me. I was able to enjoy myself and not get too tired. The longer this pregnancy was the more and more I got exhausted. I normally now will take power naps during the day to keep me going. I never really felt like I ever had to do this before. But now it is getting more frequent. 
It was getting later and people were leaving. They expressed how happy they were for Luke and I. They also expressed how they wanted to come to the baby shower when ever we were going to have one. The last people to stay were Jess, Carter, Luke, Mama Bryan, Denver, Pa and I. They were cleaning up. I was not allowed to do that. 
Luke's mama was staying in the spare bedroom downstairs. Denver has been staying with Pa since he as been wanting to help more with the shop because I can't let stress get on me. Even though I normally am not stressed there. I am only stressed knowing if someone is taking a day longer. I also love seeing how great my shop is doing. 
I was looking at my phone watching some funny video when the door bell rang. I was the closest so I got up. I went over to it seeing someone was about to come get it. I got there first and opened the door to see Major with Sam right next to him. He smiled.

"Hey Chevy. I am later than normal but Tyler had to finish up on someones truck. I hope that ain't a problem." He told me.
"No it's fine. Thank you for being the counter guy today and looking over everything. Come on in. There should be a lot of food ad cake left." I said.
"Cake!" Sam said happily. We both laughed.
"Go head." Major said letting him run. I smiled. "So you're having what?" Major asked.
"Oh you have to see the video! It's so cool." I told him.

We went to see Luke who had the video. We showed Major and he was excited for us He got a plate for him and Sam and then ate. We got to talk and that is when Jess and Carter left. Denver was taking my dad home.
I got to sit in the living room with Major and Sam talking about the shop. I was wanting to do some extra things to it but I was going to half to wait till after I am done with my pregnancy and able to relax a little. If that can happen with Twins. 
Major soon was able to leave and then it was Luke, Mama Bryan and I. Luke brought me some ice cream. Right now I have had a craving of Reese's ice cream. He had a bowl for himself as well. His mom wanted to clean more and told Luke to leave her alone. He and I just stayed close on the couch and watched the TV.

"Did you enjoy your reveal?" Luke asked.
"It was our but I know it's more for the women.I really did. It was so awesome. James and his wife did so well. We need to send that basket I was telling you about earlier. Well, I think I was thinking about it earlier more than telling you about it." I told him smiling.
"Sure. What ever you want to do baby. I am glad you loved it. I am so glad James and his wife did it. He did say she loved doing things like this."
"We can start picking names." I told Luke.
"What are your ideas?" He asked me.
"I don't know. I like the idea of naming one after you. I also like after my father or yours or men in our family. I think maybe we should just google names and meanings. That would be great too."
"How about name one after a truck like Blazer or Silverado or Avalanche?" Luke said with a smirk.
"Don't think I won't!" I teased him.

We laughed and talked for a little while more. Then It was time for bed. Luke and I were in bed just trying to cuddle. My stomach and it's alarming growth is making it harder and harder to have Luke's arms around me. I also cant roll around like I use to. One side or the other. Mainly I am happy as long as I get to cuddle with Luke when he was going to be home. 
He was not going to be home so much because of touring but that is only because he wants to be around from the end of may to when the twins will be home for a month at least. 

Thank y'alls for reading. 

I hope you're enjoying my story.

What do you think about them being twin boys?
What do you think they should name the babies?

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It really means a lot!
Thank you again!

- Pup

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