Chapter 15 - Dad Problems

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I was getting out of the truck when my phone started ringing. I looked and it was a number I didn't know. Luke stood at the truck while Jess and carter unloaded everything.

"Hello?" I said all nice and sweet.

"Is this Miss Chevrolet Mason?" A man asked.

"Yes it is. Who is calling?" I asked.

"Officer Miles. I have your father Richard Mason and Uncle Daniel Mason here in custody at the station. Your father said to call you and have you come down to the station. We have some questions for you." My face was pale. What the hell happened?

"What is going on?" I asked. Luke looked at me confused.

"Well, your father and uncle are arrested for assault and battery. They said it was self defense. The other man in custody says otherwise."  I sighed. "Bail for both gentlemen is 10K. Each is 5." My eyes got wide. I don't even have a job right now let alone money. What the fuck did dad do?

"I uh don't have that kind of money sir. I'll be right there though." I said hanging up. I slid my phone into my pocket and looked at Luke. I then walked away before he could say anything. I grabbed my keys and started to walk out the door. I was trying to be as calm as possible.

"Chevy what's going on?" Luke asked grabbing my arm to stop me.

"My dad has been arrested for assault and battery. My uncle is with him. They want me to come in for questioning." I said. Luke's eyes got wide.

"Shit. JESS, CARTER!" Luke yelled.

"What the fuck is going on?" I asked having a feeling it has to do with what I am now thinking.

"What?" Jess ran outside. She looked at us. "Are you two okay? I ran up to her.

"YOU BITCH!" I yelled and Luke got me. "You told my dad what happened with Rocko. THEY ARE ALL IN JAIL!" I yelled. Her eyes got wide.

"Rocko too?" she asked.

"FUCK HIM BUT YES. My uncle and father are in jail Jessica. Why would you do that?"

"Because I showed him pictures and he gave Rocko what he deserved. I hope. You know your uncle sure as hell would off. Don't worry. We can get him out." Jess said.

"10 grand Jess for both!" I said pushing Luke off me. I groaned. "I'm going to the jail now." I said walking away.

"Want me to come along?" Luke asked. I looked at him and glared.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked him.

"I didn't think he'd get in trouble. I wanted to do it myself but Jess wouldn't let me." He said. I looked at Jess and she nodded.

"Fine." I said getting in my truck and starting it.

I raced because I was pissed off. I passed about four people. Luke seemed as if he feels like regretting his decision on coming with me. I didn't care. My father was in jail and it was my friends fault.
When I got to the jail, I parked as quickly as I could and walked inside quick as hell. The person at the front gate saw Luke following me in and looked confused. When I got up to her she looked from Luke to me. I looked around to see everyone was looking at us. Oh yeah, I forgot, bringing Luke everywhere will make people quiet and not talking. Stupid people.

"Hi, I'm here for my father, Richard Mason." I said. She looked up his name in her computer and nodded.

"Officer Miles has also put in a request to see you. Down the hall and second door to the left." I nodded and walked that way. When I got to the room there was a 30ish year old man sitting at a desk looking at a file. He looked up when I cracked the door open more and smiled.

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