Chapter 54 - A Little Note

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Today was a day I was going to relax. I have not been able to in so long. I have been worried about my father too much and Luke has been busy getting ready to go back on tour. This time I may not be joining him. I want to have everything done. I want to do the Company BBQ. I want to keep up with my father. I think Denver is more than able to but if she has to work then she has to work. He may not need help all the time but therapy and doctors visits he has to go to. Bella has been great for him though. I think he fell in love. 
I stretched waking up to the sun coming threw the blinds. When my arms were gliding over the covers to go back to my side I felt them run over something. It made me jump wondering what it was. I sat up quickly looking and noticing that it was a note. I looked at it and smiled. 
The Note Read:
Dear My Beautiful Wife,
You've been working very hard, as have I. I would love to meet you at home around 7pm. Wear a dress. Doll yourself up. I have reservations for you and I. Today is the anniversary that I laid eyes on you for the first time. 
I can't wait to see you. 
Your beloved husband 
That made my dad start off amazing. Now I could not wait for our later date. We have not done something like this in so long. I don't think we really have since we got married actually. These award shows I don't count. I wonder where he is going to take us. I think I might just go out and shop for a new dress. I wonder who I could take with me?
I got up and showered. I got dressed in tight jeans and a white v neck. I put on my boots and went to go grab a breakfast bar. Nova followed me all over. She got her morning treat and I then put her harness on. She now wants one since Bella has one. This one is to help around the shop. She can carry tools and be helpful. 
We both got into my truck and buckled up. She sat in the seat in the back and just looked out the window. I cracked it for her and we were on our way to relax. I stopped at the corner store and grabbed me a soda. I also got a few snacks for her and I. I was thinking about walking threw some trails. That was always relaxing for us.  
When I got back out to the truck Nova was wagging her tail and it looked like she had a smile on her face. I loved this dog. This was the perfect gift for me. Especially for when Luke is not around. 
The trails were were going to walk were right behind the Shop. They took you around and futher back from the pond that is there. Nova loved to play there. Especially when we let her go into the pond and catch some balls in there. She also knows that she has to ride in the back when she is wet. It helps dry her off and there is not a lot of muck everywhere.

I got to the Shop and it seemed like it was a slow day. I decided to check in and say hello before we went back. Denver poked her head up when she heard the beep from the door. She saw me and smiled. Nova went over to get her few pats on the head before coming back to me. 

"I thought you were going to be M.I.A. today?" She asked me. I shook my head. 
"I am. Just going to do the trails. I am going out with Luke tonight. You think you can check on Pa?" I asked her. She smiled.
"Yes. I will pick up some dinner for the both of us." I smiled back at her and nodded. 
"Thanks Denny. So how's George?" I asked her. Her face lit up.
"He is taking a trip HERE!" She was so giddy.

I let her go off for a while. She was so happy when she was talking about him. They were adorable too. She showed me some text he sent her. It seemed like he really cared and missed her. They at least got to face time a lot. I made sure she got a better phone since she told me she was missing out. I am an inside hopeless romantic. I can't help but want the love sparks to ignite. 
After that I just went with Nova to the trails. We went by the pond and Nova was running around sniffing everything. She probably smells all the random animals. We have not been able to do this in such a long time it feels like. This is where she learned so many tricks and that she loves Frisbee's. 
We got to the trail and this is she stayed closer to me. She walked in front. Someone told me that was great because it showed she is protecting me. I believe it. She would be able to see and know a threat before I would. I probably knew these woods way better than her. Since I did grow up in them. She may be able to sniff her way out but these trails are in bedded into my brain. There are so many memories and footsteps that got covered over the years. It is always relaxing coming threw here. 
Nova and I walked for a long time. I gave her and myself some water from the backpack I carried. While I was zipping it back up. Nova was in the perfect light for the perfect photo. I got the picture before she really moved. I then tried to see if I could get her to stay and take some. She did with me. She also licked my face for one. This was perfect to put on Twitter. 
I put the picture of Nova and I and the first one. I captioned it with a heart and dog emoji. I put She is so perfect between the two emoji's. 
Soon it was time for us to get out of there. I brought her back home and went out to buy something nice for Luke. I wanted to shock and surprise him. I went and bought some lingerie that Luke's never seen before on me. I wanted to shock him with the dress and everything underneath. The lady that helped me pick it out was such a wonderful person. She knew exactly what I wanted and what would go with how my body looks. 
I then went shopping for a dress. The dress was going to be harder to find that I would like. I normally liked to show off my shoulders but this time I had to not show off any of the lingerie that I got. I found the perfect aqua dress. It was gorgeous. It went down to my knee's and covered some of my arms. It didn't show any cleavage. When I was done buying everything I went home and noticed what time it was. I was going to have to finish everything up pretty quick. I didn't know I took forever shopping.
I am someone who likes to put the lingerie and dress on first. Then do my hair and then make up. I think I am ass backwards to how some people end up doing theirs but who cares . I ended up curling my hair slightly. I also did slight make up since Luke is more of a fan of the natural look. I was putting my heels on when there was a knock on the bedroom door. Nova went over to it with her ears up. I looked at myself when the second knock came. 

"Come in." I said smiling at myself in the mirror. I was satisfied. Luke walked in. He was dressed very well. His eyes went right to me and searched my body up and down for everything he liked. 
"Damn. My wife is gorgeous. I am a lucky dog." He said coming over to hug and kiss me. 
"You're an extremely sly and handsome dog." I smirked. He smiled and looked  at me from a distance again.
"Lucky sly handsome dog." He said to me. I shook my head.
"Do I get to know where we are going Mr. Bryan?" I asked.
"5th and Taylor. It's a good place to go and dress up like how we are. Jason told me the food is amazing. He has taken Jess a hell of a lot." 
"Well, I am excited." I told him.
"Is someone going to check on Pa?" Luke asked.
"Denver's on that. She is also going to make sure she is getting food. Jess is coming in after her to close up for us. Nova will be fine and both of our phones are going to be on silent right?" I asked hoping. 
"Of course. Maybe vibrate for me. If it is important Kerri know's to call five times. Two if it is something important that I should check if I head to the bathroom." Luke smiled.

We always had to set up plans likes this. Just so we could be alone. Mine or his phone always went off. It had to do with tour, or the shop, or one of our parents, or friends. It always had to be something. It was never silent with us. We had to tell everyone if we wanted alone time it seemed anymore. Tonight they know and we sure as hell are getting everything we wanted.
Luke took us in his truck. He opened and shut the door for me getting there and getting out to go in. He had reservations and we got away from a bunch of people that were already there. We got wine and an appetizer. We literally ordered the same everything. 
We laughed so much. Luke was telling me all the funny things that were going on with his guys and I was telling him the same thing about mine. It was a night for fun. No business talk since we do that every day anyway. This was suppose to be about us and fun. We then got to talk about old times during dessert. 
Every-time I looked at Luke when he was talking my heart would flutter. I know I married the right man. If he can do that to me even after the wedding he is doing something right. My Pa always told me if you can look at the after a child and still feel the same way you're good. If you can do it after two, you're golden. If you can feel that after many years then you're lucky. So many people never get to feel that. I think Luke and I will. 
Luke paid for the meal and we were on our way out of there. He was holding my hand and rubbing my knuckles all the way home. Songs came on the radio and we sang to them together. When we got home and the door shut we just looked at each other with passion. And you know what going to go down. 
We tangled in-between the sheets and made sweet love. I never enjoyed passionate sex before Luke. I never craved it more than I did the rough kinky shit I always enjoyed before. With Luke that all changed. So many things did end up changing. Every sweet kiss helped bring me over the edge. 
When you get done making love to someone you're in love and married too it is the best feeling ever. You don't care how much sweat there is. You don't care if their sticky because of it. You don't care how your hair looks, or your smell. Hell, you don't even remember or care if you shaved your legs two days ago or five. You don't know what is going on around you. All you know is that you're so close to the person you just gave your all to. Someone you the closet you'll ever be with someone like this. 
I experience this with Luke so many times. My head is laying on his chest. His hand and mine are intertwined together. He lays his other arm around me rubbing my arm. He will give kisses to my head. Sometimes he hums cute love songs. Sometimes we even fall asleep like this. Listening his heart beat slowly slow down and his breathing get back to normal. You both end up getting in sync with each other. Once your eyes close you dream of sweet nothings that are now a reality. 
Luke Bryan made that a reality for me. I don't ever want any of this to ever change. 

Thank you all for reading. 
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What do you think of Chevrolet's relationship with Luke?
Are you surprised by how far Denver has come with her rehabilitation and starting to really care about others?

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Thank y'all again!
- Pup

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