Chapter 62 - Sponsorship

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So Luke is back and I am busy today.
The boys are now 5 months and a week or so. It is so close to Thanksgiving. Halloween was amazing with the boys since we got to dress them up as cute as can be! They were Pooh Bear and Tigger. How adorable is that!? I posted a picture on Twitter of Luke and I with them. Which was retweeted and loved so much.
Kerri did have a wonderful offer for me. Chevrolet actually wanted to sponsor me. Well my shop. Thanks to Luke being sponsored already. They wanted to sponsor me and get my shop certified to work on Chevrolet vehicles. I did have to talk to a bunch of people but everything went right in the path I wanted.
I was going to have to do a commercial. Luke was going to be in it but it was going to be focused around me. Which is why I am so glad I started to do some working out and tightening of my stomach. I am actually below my post baby weight. I am in really great shape since I go jogging in the morning with the boys in the stroller and Nova running along side. She don't like me leaving with out her when I have the babies.
They were not going to have me use the kids even though this is mainly the focus around the commercial. It is smart not to have them plastered all over TV. This was going to be my first major thing. This is even more major than me doing the concert with Luke that one time.

"Baby!" I hear Luke yell up the stairs. I came out of the room not knowing what to wear. I left my hat in the room. They told me to dress normal but I feel like I am going to have to put something on. I went to the head of the stairs to see Luke next to Jess.
"I'm ready." I said smiling. Jess looked at e and shook her head.
"No worries you two. Get it done quick so I can see it sooner than later!" Jess told us.

She was excited as much as I was. I was wearing a white tee and jeans. I had my boots on and they were not so shiny. I didn't know how they fully wanted me. They would probably have some kid of thing they would want me to do. They would hire people to fix me up. I'd hope. Unless they want it as raw as you can get it.
Luke and I said bye to our baby boys. They ended up laughing at the kiss sound. They loved it. We said bye and thank you to Jess and got into Luke's truck. Luke and I were talking about the commercial. He had a huge smirk on his face for the whole drive which made me think he had something up his sleeve. I didn't question because he was going to be really proud of myself if he didn't give anything away. He has not realized that I know him head to toe by now.
We got to place were they were doing the commercial. There was a bunch of vehicles around. I know I was doing a commercial about their SUV's. They're looking towards mothers and also men who want something great that isn't a truck. I've had to do a little research on them.
I had to talk to a bunch of random people who I never met. Then I did end up getting some make up done. They told me that it would be perfect for me to wear what I came in. This was going to be really great. I was getting more nervous but at least if I mess up they will not use my worst.
Luke was telling me that I was going to do wonderful. He kept giving me more courage and making me feel great about this. I had to talk to more people before I did my commercial. They explained all that I was going to do for the tenth time and then it was time for me to do it.

The Commercial

It starts off showing me standing in front of three SUV's. I smiled started to talk.

"Hi, I'm Chevrolet Bryan. I'm a certified Chevrolet specialist, mechanic, and mom. My whole life I've been surrounded by Chevy's. I myself and named after it. I have trusted Chevrolet to make the best and safest vehicles for what ever I needed." I said and went over to the SUV's. "Now that I am a mom I want something roomy, safe, reliable, and can handle bringing what ever I need back and forth to school, my shop, and what ever is brought my way." I went over to the smaller SUV. "This right here is an equinox. This starts off around 25 thousand and depending on the package it can go up about 10 grand. This is safe, room efficient and great for saving money with gas. This has a 1.5l turbo engine, 170 horse power, and front wheel drive but can come in all wheel drive." I went over to the next one. "This is the traverse. This can seat your kids, and your kids friends. Three row seating and all comfortably too. If you have a big family this is great for you especially since it's great on gas. It starts off around 30 thousand and goes up from there. It can also come in Front wheel drive or all wheel drive. It is a V6 with a 3.6L engine. So you'll have more get up and go. The horse powers on this one is 330!" I then went over to the last one. "This is the Tahoe. Personal favorite." I said with a wink. "This baby has a V8 5.3L engine. Horse power is 380. This is even better with safety. You can put all the kids and their friends in it. You can tow around a lot. If your hands are full with kids and bags you can have your back hatch open up for you to help out. It is the comfiest out of the two. Starting prices are 48 thousand.
" I then walked to where I started. "I'm proud to own and be named after such a reliable company. Wouldn't you?" I asked. 

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