Chapter 9 - Meeting Dad

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I woke up to banging on my door which startled me. I groaned and looked at Luke who was still sleeping despite the person banging on my door.

"What!" I yelled annoyed. I looked and it was 10am.

"Get up! Your father's here!" Jess said. I jumped right out of bed waking Luke up in the process.

"I'll be down in a few!" I yelled. "Shit." I mumbled and went to open my door but Luke was sitting up I looked back at him. "Get clothes on and uh come downstairs. My father's here." I said. I totally forgot he said he was coming over this Sunday.

"Okay. Calm down baby." Luke said laughing. I looked at him.

"I hate keeping my father. I've also not seen him in a month and he lives 15 minutes away so he is going to not be happy his only daughter is staying away." I said. He just nodded as he was putting his pants on and buttoning them.

"I'm ready." He said smiling. I gave him a smile back. Something in his smile calmed me down.

I walked out of my room first with Luke right behind me. I wonder what my father is going to think. He is going to think Luke is the new boyfriend. Hopefully he doesn't recognize him. I pray that he don't. Maybe if he does he won't be pissy with me for not calling or seeing him for quite some time. Yeah, that would be the best for me.

When I got to the bottom of the steps Jess had her and Carter in the kitchen with my father. He had his back turned making his own cup of coffee. I slowly walked into the kitchen and stood off to the side leaning against the counter. Luke stood at the doorway unknowing what to do. Carter pointed at a seat at the table and Luke sat down.

"Is that Chevrolet?" My dad said turning and looked right at Luke because I was off to the side. He looked at Luke really weird.

"I was waiting for you to be done your coffee pa." I said. He turned to me then looked at Luke. He set down his coffee on the table. We met each other half way and hugged.

"I missed you Chevy. Why haven't you called or came over?" He said pulling away.

"I missed you too pa. I've been really busy actually. I have been getting a lot of overtime at the shop and then I went to the concert with Jess and now these two are always around." I said pointing at Carter and Luke. My father looked at Luke more than he did Carter.

"I was thinking you were still with Rocko and I got confused by the Silverado besides yours. I always knew Rocko to have the Camaro. I guess you gave him the boot huh? Finally." My dad said taking a seat at the table. He left a seat between Luke and him for me.

"No Pa. Rocko is still my best friend." I said. He scoffed. He didn't like Rocko but never voiced it much.

"So he is your new boyfriend?" My dad asked about Luke. I looked at Luke then at my dad. My dad was staring Luke down. Luke just looked at me.

"They should be." Jess said. My dad looked at her and smiled. "Our boyfriends would be best friends like we are best friends." She said all happy. I rolled my eyes and looked at my dad again. He looked at Luke.

"So who are you son? You look familiar." My father said now going to grill him with questions.

"I'm Luke, sir." Luke said putting his hand out. My dad looked slightly shocked but smiled and shook his hand.

"Luke Bryan the country singer. Your voice gives it away." My dad kept his smile and nodded towards me. "What's a redneck doing with my daughter? Did you finally convert her to the right side?" He said joking and slapping my back lightly rubbing it. I smiled.

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