Chapter 51 - T-Boned

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I was abruptly woken up from my slumber to a loud noise. I groaned and sat up wondering what it was. I was in such a deep sleep but I finally woke up to realize that it was the house phone going off. No one really ever called the house phone. I got up and put on Luke's shirt. The ringing stopped then instantly started again. I guess it is important.
I quickly went and grabbed the phone noticing how early in the morning that it was. I heard foot steps behind me when I answered the phone. 

"Hello?" I questioned. 
"Hello ma'am. Is this Chevrolet Mason?" A woman questioned me. 
"Bryan, but yes. Who is this?" I asked. 
"This is Nancy from Reception at the hospital. I am calling to inform you that your father has been in a serious car accident. You are his emergency contact." She said calm. Well they kind of have to stay that way. She probably has years of practice but I felt like time stopped. My heart stopped beating at that moment and I felt faint.
"My mm m my father?" I asked again to make sure. I looked over to see Luke in his boxers looking like he needed to know what was going on. He was concerned.
"Yes. I am unable to give you too much information over the phone." She told me.
"I will be there as soon as I can. Thank you for calling." I told her.
"You're welcome ma'am. I'm sorry about your father." She said and I hung up. I looked at Luke and tears started to from but I whipped them real quick. He was waiting for me to talk.
"We need to get dressed. Papa has been in a bad car accident." I told him. He just nodded and we basically ran up the steps. 

If we were getting timed for the Guinness Book of World Records I think we would of won the contest for getting dressed the fastest. I put my hair up in a bun and slipped on my shoes. So many things were going threw my mind. I had to call Denver. I had to call Jess. I had no clue what else besides getting there. I don't know how bad he is. If he was okay he would of called me himself right? I can't think that way.
Nova was running around after Luke and I thinking we wanted to play. I told her to lay down and she left us alone for the time it took us to find our stuff and get out of the house. I didn't check if we locked the door. I can set the alarm for the house from my phone. 
Luke was driving. I am happy he did. I didn't notice that we haven't said anything but I decided I was not going to make any calls until I knew what was going on. I also forgot my phone. I cursed under my breathe when I felt Luke's hand go to my knee. I grabbed his hand with mine and looked over. We stopped at a red light and he looked at me. He gave me a smile that was suppose to comfort me and it did kind of. It did because I have a man like him by my side there for me in a time like this. I know he can keep his cool while I am losing it. 
We arrived to the hospital and I waited for Luke to get out to go in. I held his hand all the way up to the receptionist. 

"Hello. I was just called from here telling me that my father was just in severe car accident." I told the lady.
"What is his name ma'am?" She asked me. 
"Richard Lee Mason." I answered. She didn't look up from the computer. A lady that was coming back from the office behind them looked at me and smiled. 
"I got it from here Joan. You're Chevrolet right? Richards daughter." She answered. I scooted over to her and nodded. "Your father is currently getting surgery so I am sorry I can not let you go back. I only have a little bit of information. The paramedics that brought him here are also no longer here." She told me with an apologetic look.
"What can you tell me.." I said looking at her name tag. "Sharron." I asked nicely. I was trying to stay very calm.
"He was in a bad car wreck. The paramedic said that he was t-boned and his car flipped into a drainage ditch. Luckily there was no water. He was non-responsive when he was wheeled in. They had to quickly assess what was the damages and brought him into surgery."
"When was he brought in." I asked.
"An hour ago. I was given his wallet to find information if he had any and our computer came up as you." She told me.
"Thank you so much." I told her.
"If I see anything I'll find you and let you know asap." She told me. I nodded and headed outside. Luke followed closely behind me.
"Baby you okay?" He asked. He was probably shocked by how calm I now was. 
"I guess. I may be in shock I think. I have no clue besides he was in a bad accident. I don't see how it could be his fault if he was t-boned unless he ran a red light at the wrong time. Ugh." I said sitting on the bench they had outside. He sat next to me.
"Would you like me to call your sister and Jess?' He asked me. I nodded. 

Luke rubbed my back and kissed my temple. He stood up to be able to get his phone out of his pocket. He looked at me a few times while he scrolled threw his phone to find one of their numbers. The first person he called was Carter. I could tell by how he talked.

"Oh I am fine. Chevy's dad isn't. He was in a very bad accident. Can you tell Jess that we are at the hospital. He is unresponsive. He is currently in surgery. There is not that many details at the moment...... Thanks Carter. See you soon." Luke said. He then was quiet and looked at me. "Jess will be on her way soon." I looked up at him.
"Thank you." I told him. He nodded and quickly called Denver. He had to call her three times until she answered. 
"Denver it's Luke.... Chevy is fine but your father is in the hospital..... Calm down. We don't know too much yet. He is in surgery. He was in a very bad car accident." Luke said. She must of kept talking because Luke just listened. "Be careful okay? We are outside. Chevy don't have her phone on her so my phone is the one you contact okay?" Luke said. She must of got off instantly because he checked his phone the shrugged. "All are notified." He told me sitting down next to me and putting his arm around me.

He brought me close to his chest and I just rested on him. I was freaking out on the side and felt kind of numb. I was thinking the worst but trying to block them out at the same time. I only wish I knew more. I more wished this didn't happen but stuff like this can happen to anyone.
Jess got there before Denver. She came and hugged me. She told me Carter was staying with Joanna and that he was going to keep checking up threw texts. We decided to go inside and sit where we can all fit comfortably. Jess was trying to talk to keep my mind off of things but I answered with simple words. Luke kept rubbing my hand or my arm to make sure that I was alright. I knew they were just trying to help but I would prefer quiet. 
Denver came in a while after. She did live further out than the rest of us and I think she might of took Luke's advice by taking her time and being safe. She sat next to me and hugged me. I hugged her back. She was shaky. I retold her everything the lady said to me and we all just sat there and waited after that. 
It felt like time was going by so slow. It felt like hours upon hours were just slugging by. I looked at the clock almost every 10 minutes. Luke got us coffee or soda out of the vending machines. He offered to get some chips but we all declined. I was done my coffee in no time. I wanted to get up and stretch so I told them that. Denver wanted to come with me so I let her. We decided to walk around the parking lot. 
It was pretty silent for half way threw when Denver brought up a conversation I thought of through this whole thing. 

"What if he don't make it? I am sorry to be morbid..." Denver said. I stopped and looked at her. 
"I thought about it. Since we don't know the severity of his injuries we can't assume anything but his car flipped after getting t-boned. I pray he makes it and is okay. If not... Well... I don't know... That thought makes me feel lost and empty." I told her. She looked at me and nodded. 
"I just started getting close with you and him again. I can't loose him yet. I haven't had enough time with mom or dad. I want more ya know? Good times. I want to be the best ever. I want him to talk about me the way he does you." She told me. I turned her to me. 
"Denver, dad talks about you more then ever now. He points at you and says look how great she is doing now. My little warrior. She is making something of herself. I am proud of her overcoming her struggle." I told her.
"Really?" She asked about to tear up.
"Yes. We are all proud Denny. Especially him. Don't think he isn't." I told her I let her go and rubbed my arms. I shook my head and looked at her seriously. "He is going to make it. He will be fine. He may be banged up but we got him. We will help him. Got it? No more downer talk okay? We'll pray for him to be better. " She nodded and hugged onto me and cried. That made me loose it and cry too. We were scared we might be parent-less.

We got back up to the hospital Emergency entrance and waited outside to keep some fresh air. It felt better out here than in there. Every time the door opened we got to see the emergency room and possible hurt or very sick people. 

"Chevy." Luke came out. I looked at him and Denver did too. "Doctor wants to talk." He said. I went past him quickly to where Jess was standing and I went right over to him. He had us going into one of the rooms to the side to talk privately. all five of us were in there. 
"So you're all related to Mr. Mason?" He asked. We all nodded. It was kind of creepy if we were not in this situation. 
"Sorry but can you get to what happened and what is happening please? We have been waiting for 5 hours I think." Denver said. He nodded.
"So your father came in here unconscious. We had to stop the bleeding we seen and we had him under control. We had to check him out with an MRI. His brain has no swelling that we saw so he should be fine there. He has a lot of lacerations. His back is the biggest problem." The doctor said. We just looked at him. "It looks as if he hurt his spinal cord in the crash. We can only tell so much from what we seen but I don't expect him to walk from how the MRI looked. We will not know until he wakes up. Right now he is still going to be unconscious for quite some time." He told us. My eyes got wide when he said my dad may not walk. 
"When can we see him?" I asked the doctor.
"Once he is fully in his own room in ICU. I am sorry I don't have information of the crash for you but he is going to be alive and fine besides his spine." He told us.
"Thank you doctor." Luke said. 

The doctor left us in the room alone. We were pretty quiet until Denver mentioned the spine. We talked about it for quite some time. We had different ideas and hoped that this was not the truth and that he would be able to walk again. 
I ended up going back first to go see him. He was laying in his bed. He looked like hell. He had stitches on his face, arms, and probably other places. He was covered up well. His heart rate was normal. It is good to see him not having a breathing tube. I imagined that.
I went to the bed and was on his one side where his hand didn't have all that IV and pulse oximeter on it. I grabbed it and held his hand. It felt colder than normal. Still rough like always. It was weird not seeing him with his hat on. It showed you how long his hair really got before he would cut it. He at least didn't look in pain but it looked like he was going to feel it later. 
Everyone else then came in. They wanted to see him. I wanted to stay there until my dad actually woke up. I didn't want him to wake up all alone and not knowing what was going on. 
A cop actually stopped in. He told us he was the responding officer to the scene. He told us everything we wanted to know at that time. My dad was T-Boned by a drunk driver. It seemed that my dad was heading home. It was in his truck. The driver actually ended up passing away because he was ejected from the vehicle. The officer said my father wasn't conscious when he got to him. 
He wanted to check on my dad. He wanted to see how he was doing. That was really sweet of him. I didn't expect that. He said he was going to pray for him and check up on him again. He was heading home from his last late night shift of the week. 
Luke rubbed my back as we stayed in the room. I told him I was not leaving until he woke. Luke understood and didn't try to change my mind. Time will tell I guess...

Well, it has only been Since January of 2016 that I updated more than once! HOLY MOLEY!
Anyway Thank you for everyone who voted and commented on the last one! I am surprised that I still got over 20 votes. That is AMAZING! 
I had gotten into a huge funk. I have been dealing with so much the past two years I had no time to write nor did I have the ambition. I am hoping it is changing. Two times in a month period is good guys!
I am currently writing the next chapter as well.
Lets see how many votes and comments we can get this time!
Thank yall for reading!

- Pup

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