Chapter 63 - Wonderful Christmas Time

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It is Christmas time again but this one is more special since it is Bo's and Tates 1st Christmas. They are growing so fast. Mama is the first thing their both saying. It is so exciting because they're bundles of joy and literally no problem at all.
My family and Luke's family is here for Christmas. Last year I was able to give them a big surprise and this year I hopefully will be able to surprise someone. I always love to spread some kind of joy to the family. Yesterday Mama Bryan and I made a whole bunch of cookies. Christmas shapes, regular circles and more. We even made a bunch of pies. I was hoping people would bring some home as well. 
Once everyone arrived we all were able to sit around the living room. The Christmas tree and half of the wall all had a bunch of presents. They were organized and put form youngest to oldest. Of course the youngest would be the twins so we opened that first. 
Luke had Tate and I was holding Bo as we helped them unwrap all the presents. Denver was taking the pictures for us. She had recently got into photography so she made sure she got the newest iPhone before Christmas. It seemed like they boys were getting so spoiled. Everyone got them a little something. Of course Mama Bryan got them clothes and little toys that made a bunch of noise. Everyone else got them toys or clothes. Lee got them two gift cards to a store so we can pick out what they should get. 
Next it was onto Til and the rest off the kids. They got either money, clothes, or a game system. The girls seemed really excited with what they were given. Tate could not wait for the rest of us to be done so he can play his new game system. 
Denver was next. She is one person that I am going to surprise. Luke was also helping me think what I can do. She opened all but ours. Ours was the last one in the back. She grabbed the bag and it had a card on it. We told her to open the bag first. She took out the bag with a wrapped box. She looked at me with the really face. I smirked. She probably thought that I was messing with her. She opened it up and her face was pure shock. 

"No way. A Camera and Lens and Canon is one of the best that I know of!" Denver cheerily said. 
"I asked Vanilla Mike since he is pretty knowledgeable and said this is a great start off to intermediate camera." Luke told her.
"We think you should possibly look at the card as well." I leaned onto Luke as she did so. She quickly opened up the card with a huge smile. She then read it and started to cry. She looked at both of us. 
"No fucking way. Kid's don't repeat." She said. She looked at the card again. "You guys no." She cried. 
"You deserve it. You've come so far. You are so passionate about this and so good at it. It's time for you to have a real career of your choosing. This hopefully will help get you there." I said. 
"These classes have to be expensive!" She exclaimed.
"No. They're not. They're also the best you can get in Tennessee. They help you find jobs and get you outh there too." Luke told her. "Now your new camera will be used more than what you ever thought." He said. She got up and hugged us both tightly.
"The two of you are such a blessing. I can not say thank you enough. Wait, what about Pa?" She asked looking at our dad who was smiling so wide. 
"You do you baby girl. I can get around." He smiled. She looked at us and then at him. We smiled. 
"Oh god." She said fanning herself. She sat down and looked at the camera. "Amazing." Her smile she had on now if she smiled anymore would reach her eyes. 

The next person to get some presents was me. I smiled as I opened up the ones from Luke's family and then mine. I got clothes, a decal for my SUV, seat covers, and some gift cards. My sister got me a gift card and a key chain that said #1 sister. It also had a picture of us in it from when we were younger engraved in it. I hugged her and smiled remembering the picture and the real time that it was taken in. My dad got me a craftsman backpack and a gift card to Cabella's. Luke got me a necklace with the boys and us in it. He got me a hat with my name engraved on the back. A new pare of amazing boots. An amazing bracelet. He also got us two tickets to go see a baseball game. I was very excited for that and loved all that he got me. The boys got me some Mommy boss shirts and #1 mom things which I know Luke got but it was sweet he did that. 
The adults went through theirs along with Luke. Luke gets the same thing every year. I add in some love things here and there for all holidays but he normally always has everything he's ever wanted. My dad also got him the same back pack. He told us it was for us to go on a hiking trip with Nova. We haven't done that in so long. Nova seemed very excited.
Even Nova got Christmas presents from everyone. She got so many treats, toys, clothes, and a cape that said super nova on it. It was so cute. She seemed very proud with her Christmas sweater on. She also sat in between Luke and I like she always does now. She guards us and the boys. Pa's dog Bella also got things. She was always at his side. She loved Hat's so she had a Christmas hat on that matched Pa's.  

When we were done with our presents it was time to clean up the wrapping paper and start setting up for our Christmas dinner. The boys were put in their rockers and Christmas shows were put on. Denver, Ma, Kris, and Jordan went to the kitchen. The girls set up the table. Denver was checking on the Christmas Ham. Ma was doing all of the rest while I had the desserts. I made my own home made whip cream.
The girls ended up being done quickly  and went to go play with some of the new things that they got. The guys being were still by the tree talking and having a good old time laughing it up. When dinner was almost ready the guys went and got washed up. Pa said he was going to roll in with the twins. Which they loved taking a ride on the chair with Papaw. Ma and I were putting everything on the table. We were so into getting everything read. 
I turned to see my dad walking in with one boy on each hip. I smiled at him and went back to grabbing all the forks and spoons for everything on the table. I then realized what I just saw and dropped the spoons and was about to run over to my dad when he was standing five feet from me. He was standing.

"PA!" I said loud. I was beyond shocked that he was standing. He was even walking with TWO babies on his hops. 
"Merry Christmas Chevy." He handed over one of the boys to me and kissed my cheek. He looked over to everyone else who was in shock and then Denver who was cheesing just as much as him. 
"You knew!" I said to her. She smirked.
"For a while. We've been really working on this. He wanted to do this for Christmas. Especially holding his grand boys." She told me. I looked at him.
"I have been holding two damn sacks of flour every day. I graduated to two book bags full of books which were heavier then these boys. I was prepared." He was so proud of him self. I got close and gave him a hug. The boys started giggling because they were so close to each other. 
"This is wonderful! Welcome to the walking world again." Luke played joked with him. He laughed and let go of me. He walked slowly to the one high chair for Bo. He put him in and clipped him in. I smiled seeing how he was able to walk slowly but surely.
"Thank you son." He put his hand on Luke's shoulder as he walked around the table to sit in the chair next to me. 
"I am surprised you didn't notice I put a chair back." Denver said. 
"You sneaky sneaky girl." I pointed to her and we all laughed. 

I put Tate in his high chair next to me. I then sat down and Luke said grace. 

"God thank you for this beautiful Christmas Day, providing us with this wonderful feast, blessing all of us here today with the presence of one another and our two wonderful boys on their first Christmas. Thank you for making us all healthy and helping Rich get through his tough time and walk again for Christmas. Praise the lord amen!" Luke said. We all said amen. 

Everyone dug in. The boys had little bits and peaces of things. The dogs had fresh greens in their bowls as a treat to have what people would call table food. Though it's healthy but they don't have to know that. 
When everyone was done with dinner we had dessert coming up. I made a cheese cake, an apple cranberry pie, and mint chocolate chip cake. I also had my home made whip cream which it was a hit. I tried to make the desserts match the colors of Christmas. 
Luke offered to do the dishes along with Til and his Pa. I had to change the boys which Denver offered to help me with. Ma said she was going to re organize my dining room and put away left overs with the help of Jordan and Kris. Pa was going back to the Den where we would all head back and watch Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer. 
When Denver and I got to the boys room to change them. I looked at her. 

"When did he start walking?" I asked. 
"Few weeks ago. He was able to stand for a month now. He has fell a few times because he would keep trying even when I was not around. Bella has been a huge help. She also helped push him. She is one of the best dogs ever." Denver said. 
"He is still slow with walking?" I asked. She nodded. 
"Oh yeah, but it was way worse a week ago. He is building up his stamina. The doctors say he is doing way better than they ever thought he would do. Thank god though. He is doing some kind of water hydro therapy which helps him walk better and it's not too stressful on his legs yet." I smiled. 
"No offense to anyone elses presents but I have to say that's the best. Thanks for being able to keep the secret." I told her as I finished Bo's diaper. He yawned. I picked him up and rubbed my nose on his. "Eskimo Kisses!" I said in my baby voice. He giggled. 
"Mom use to do that with us." Denver said. I looked at her and smiled.
"Yeah." I looked back at Bo. "I want to keep is going. Maybe he will do it with his son or daughter." I said. 
"Probably. Just like Raspberries!" Denver said blowing on Tate's tummy making fart noises. He giggled so much and started kicking. Her and I laughed and she finished putting his onesie back on. 
"Who would of thought years ago you and I would be this close with two babies in hands right now?" I asked. She picked up Tate and smiled at me. 
"Not me. Things happen for a reason though. I am more thankful for everything since I've been to rock bottom. You and Luke really have helped. Pa too. You do too much for me even when I was shit." She said to me and I smiled and brought her in for a hug. 
"I love you lil sis. I'm proud of who you've now become and I look forward to cheering you on in your life endeavors." I said and pulled away. She had a tear. I felt like one was going to start falling for me as well. 
"I love you too Chevy. One day I'll make up everything to you. No matter if its tomorrow, 10 years or when we are 80. I will. I promise you that." She said.
"You already have by getting better." I said.

We went back down and put the boys in their rockers. Within minutes they were out. I cuddled up to Luke as Nova laid in front of the rockers. Bella was sitting across my dads lap on the love seat. The wheel chair was behind the love seat just barley noticeable. I couldn't help but smile for the rest of the night because this Christmas had to be one of the best ever. 


Thank you all for reading!

I am VERY sorry for being so late with updates but here is one. I hope all of you have been well and enjoying my story. 
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Thank y'alls again!
- Pup

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2019 ⏰

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