Chapter 6 - Pond and Stars

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~Jess's Point Of View~

I heard the loud noise coming from downstairs which means that they're all playing music. I rolled my eyes just how Chevy does when I blast country music in my truck and she drives with me. I looked at Luke who was looking at the door that all 5 of them went down. Carter was just listening and I was trying to figure out a conversation. Then I heard them turn it up and I could hear everything they were playing Roxanne. I smiled knowing Chevy was in a great mood now. She has been acting funky since the night with Luke.

From what Carter told me is that Luke is infatuated with her. He hasn't got her off his mind and said that Luke will text her every day and she answers back. That surprised me but then it made me smile. Maybe she really has a thing for Luke but denies it. If so then I say go for him instead of always being around that Douche Bag Rocko.

Rocko was her boyfriend for two years. They met when they started working at the same garage. He kept coming over and then they ended up dating. They would smoke ciggs, and drink all the time. He was not bad at first. Now he is just annoying and they did break up so he can go be the manwhore that he is. He uses Chevy for sex all the time and free food. I know that's what he does. If he really liked her than he would of kept her. That's my best friend but she doesn't listen to my advice about him because that is her guy best friend.

Luke can probably change that. I know that is mean to say but I don't care anymore. I want her to have a man that would treat her right and from what Carter tells me; Luke is a very sweet guy. He is just looking for the right woman that catches his eye. Chevy got his eye but just needs to stop denying the feelings she has.

"Are they playing Roxanne?" Luke asked. I nodded.

"Chevy is singing?" Carter asked. I nodded again.

"Girl got lungs on her." Luke said with a smile. He did like her and this didn't help.

"She always could sing. I told her to try out since we lived in Nashville but her exact words were 'I'm not a redneck. I won't be singing any country. They won't appreciate my music.' So I left it alone. Even though I think your concert might have changed her mind. She did listen to my CD yesterday without bitching." I smiled at him and he smirked.

"So she got a thing for Luke huh?" Carter asked and laughed. I laughed.

"Don't know. She hasn't said anything but she is a private person and denies feelings all the time so you tell me Luke. Was she into your little make out session?" I smirked at him.

"By her hands being tangled in my hair, and her tongue fighting with me mean yes then yes." He smiled.

"Well I'll tell you this because you're a good guy and she needs one. I want my best friend happy. She will deny feelings for you since she isn't into the 'redneck' scene since her mama died. If you keep doing what you did that first night. You'll get her away from that douche bag downstairs that uses her for everything." I growled the last part. Carter looked at me.

"Which one was that? The buff one with tattoo's, the tattooed one, the blonde or the average dude with nice clothes?" Carter asked.

"Buff with Tattoo's. That's Rocko. He WAS nice but now he is a dick. His true colors aren't pretty. That's her best friend so I can't do much but I can tell you this Luke, she wouldn't make out with just anyone and she wouldn't have wanted you to sleep with her if she didn't like you in some way." I smiled at him. "Please treat her good." I pleaded to him.

"I will." He said and looked me right in the eyes. I saw he was telling the truth which put me to ease.

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