Chapter 4 - Time Alone

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I got into the story on how Jess and I met and how long we have been friends. He talked about him and Carter and BM who he has as his camera man. I thought that was pretty awesome. We were having nice conversations. Nothing over the top. Nothing too personal. It was small talk but it was fun. I think Luke was drunk because I heard a slur pop out here and there and I know I've done the same thing. Then Luke asked me a more personal question.

"So do you have a boyfriend?" he asked me. I shook my head no.

"No, kind of hard to." I told him. He looked at me confused.

"Why?" he asked unsure of what I was going to say next.

"Well every time I go out somewhere and could possibly meet someone Rocko is always by my side. I use to date him. Then we just ended up best friends. It was for the best since he is kind of a player anyway. So since I'm always with him, guys think I have him as my boyfriend. Which I'm never getting that way with him again. I don't trust it. So I haven't had one in a while because of him. He also acts like the over protective boyfriend when we are at bars which it bothered me but I stopped caring and just would get drunk." Luke just looked at me. Shit. I told another story. I could have just said no and it would have been fine. I had to add shit. This is why I don't talk when I'm drunk.

"So why do you hang with him then or not tell him to back off?"

"He gets offended and he is my best friend. He'd do anything for me. He is also someone I can trust besides Jess." I told him he nodded. "Plus we work together so I would need a new job to get away from him.

"Makes sense. I understand you to an extent. I haven't dated anyone since most are into my money and fame. They don't care about who I really am. They just know the stage name and my looks. So I've been single for a while too." For some reason that made me happy. Maybe it's the alcohol. I'm just going to go with that.

"Well, you'll find the one who thinks of you for who you are and not what the stage makes you. You don't seem like a bad guy at all. You seem really normal and nice and sweet. So you'll really be able to find her someday." he smiled at me.

"Thanks. You'll find a guy who won't be afraid of your best friend and will like you for you and not just your looks because I must say you are gorgeous." I blushed. Why does he have to keep on flirting with me? I am not giving into anything tonight. I am still sober enough. I am also not into guys like him. Jess may have given in to Carter but if Luke's intentions for tonight are to go into my room he is wrong. I realized I was blushing more so I turned my head and down the rest of my drink were only two more gulps. "You don't have to hide your face when you're blushing its cute." I turned to him and blushed more. I had a smile creep onto my face. Ugh why am I doing this? Find something to say Chevy.

"Want more to drink?" I asked. He looked at his cup which was empty took and nodded.

"Last one; don't want to drink y'all's dry." He said. I laughed.

"Trust me. You won't. Come on, I'll show you." I said getting up leaving the cups on the table. Well I tried to get up but getting up my head felt like it was spinning. I got up way to fast. I was falling back but I felt two hands on my hips which guided me down and I was now sitting on Luke. I was sitting sideways on him and his arms were around me. He smirked.

"You're drunk aren't you?" He asked chuckling.

"Just stood up too fast. Happens to me a lot even when I'm sober." I said defending myself. He looked like he doubted me but then we both looked into each other's eyes.

Luke had these chocolate brown eyes that were glassed over since he was drinking. They were still pretty amazing eyes. I couldn't help but continuing to look into them. I was searching his eyes and was finding myself getting lost in his gaze. One of his arms let me go and I found his hand placing itself onto the side of my face. His hands were so warm and kind of rough against my face. My face tingled at his touch. I noticed his face was leaning in closer to mine but still looking into my eyes.

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