Chapter 22 - Arm Candy

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We went to two different places and the first one didn't have any that I liked. Even looking at the ones on display they were 'bleh' for me. Luke took me to another place where women gawked over him but the dresses were gorgeous. Luke said what colors were on his and two women were off to find the perfect dress after they measured me.

I had to try on about 10 different dresses. I didn't like puffiness. I didn't like the ones that pushed my boobs up to my face. I didn't actually like long ones. After the one girl realized all of that she came back with a single dress that made my eyes open wide. It was a black and white dress. The black looked silky and the white was going up my right side which looked of all lace.
I looked around for Luke but the ladies told me he went outside because of a phone call. I tried on the dress and told them I wanted it. It fit me perfect. It showed off everything enough and I couldn't help but fall in love with it. By time Luke got back they picked out heels for me and everything was getting rung up.

Luke and I got back with everything and there were people in our hotel room. There was a guy to help get me ready and a girl to help Luke. There was also another lady to do my nails. I looked at Luke like this is crazy but he just smiled and went to where he was suppose to go.

The man who was doing my makeup and my hair was very nice. He talked to me during the whole thing. I thought that this was going to be a long quiet process. He asked me questions like hair up or down. I wanted my hair down. He made sure my hair was perfect before going onto my makeup.

I told him to only go lightly with the makeup. I learned that Luke liked a little bit of natural and a little bit of makeup. I was going to make sure I looked as hot as I could. I had eye liner put on, some mascara, he fixed up my eye brows before putting on a little bit of eye shadow that would match my dress. He then put a little blush to bring out my cheeks and a coat of some lipstick.

My nails were done on my hands and my feet. The lady applied some fake nails to my hands. They were French tips. My toes were done to where they had black tips. I looked at her and just smiled. This was beyond weird for me. I looked in the mirror in the bathroom which I had a woman follow me into with my dress.

She helped me into the dress and we had it on quickly. It was such an easy dress to put on too. I smiled seeing myself in the dress with my hair done, makeup done and my nails done. The lady then helped me put on the black heels. I probably was about 4 inches taller. I am possibly at Luke's height now. Maybe even taller. Great.

We opened the bathroom door. Luke was getting a tie adjusted by someone and had his back turned to me. The other people who weren’t doing anything and his manager that is now in the room looked at me and smiled.

"You clean up great." Kerri said as she smiled wide. Luke's head turned a little and then the person stopped messing with his tie. He turned fully around and his mouth dropped open. I couldn't help but blush. His reaction along with everyone else looking at me like I'm the hottest thing in the room is really making me blush.

"Chevy, you look…." Luke said coming over to me. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. Then the twirled me around which made me giggle. As I finished the twirl and my hair rested on my shoulders he just looked at me. "You're beautiful." He said still kind of shocked. "You clean up way better than I would ever imagine." He smirked.

"Thank you. You look handsome as ever." I said looking him up and down. He had a nice suit on that was black and white. His tie was black. His button up shirt was white. He had his silver watch on with the black suit. His boots were black. I saw his tie needed to be fixed and I fixed it right. He smiled.

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