Chapter 37 - Cabin Vacation

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Luke surprised me on Christmas with two tickets to the mountains up north. We were going to have a Cabin up here for New Year's were it was going to just be us. I was so surprised and what I got him doesn't compare to this. Supposedly Luke didn't even get this out of anyone even though I wanted to do this for many years now.

The cabin is beautiful! There was snow on the ground when we got here in the new rented Silverado which made me think about buying one just like it. The Cabin was a one bedroom, one bathroom, kitchen, dining room, and living room. Through the back way you could look out to more woods and mountains.

It has been snowing the whole time we have been here. Luke and I got to find the trail or what we thought was one and walk off to look for a frozen over creek our first day. It was very cool to see that the water was still running under the icy top.

There were a lot of animal tracks all around us. I love it. I don't care how cold it actually as. I would love to take a trip up here especially to show my children. It was beautiful. I have to say I think it was the most beautiful place I've ever been too. I also think I have thanked Luke every hour on the hour since we got here.

Right now we are kind of snowed in. It is New Years Eve and we have the fire going in the living room. I had just made us both hot chocolate as we sat by the fire and talked about life. Right now I felt like nothing ever has or will bother me. I didn't think about bills. I didn't think about work. I didn't think about no one else but Luke and I and I loved it. It's 11 and we are just here together enjoying everything.

"So what do you feel like eating?" Luke asked me.

"I don't know. I'm stuck in this whole trip still so I don't know what hunger is yet." I said laughing. Luke chuckled.

"I didn't think I'd ever see you this happy. I also didn't think you'd react the way you did when I gave you this for Christmas. I thought I would of got a we can't do it then because of something." Luke said.

"I would NEVER say no to this unless something is wrong with you, Jess, or my dad." He smiled and put his arm around me to pull me closer to him. I smiled.

"I'm glad I am a major concern to you." He told me.

"You always are. Why do you think I don't say no to you on going to any award show anymore, going on tour with you, going to spring break, going to farm tour, going to see your parents, just staying home with you because we need quality time and more?" I asked him.

"Good point there babe."

"You seem like you have no clue how much I really do love you." I stated to him. He looked down at me and smiled.

"Enlighten me then." He said. I moved away from him so I could sit to look at him.

"I love you because you have helped me through a lot and it's only been a small amount of time that I knew you. Within the first month of knowing me, you have seen me mad, sad, crying, happy, losing my job, met my father, made my father like you instantly, stick up for me in front of a man who use to beat me, was willing to help me no matter what and was there ever step of the way no matter what. You were always around to pick me up and I never had someone like that. Even Jess was never there all the time to be able to do that. Every time she got a new man she would disappear and love on them for the longest time. She would forget about me and any of her friends but would always hang out with his. I never really had any other good friends besides Rocko who ended up not being the best guy friend. He was a shitty boyfriend too. You never did any of that. Yes you've made me mad but who doesn't piss me off every now and then? How long did I stay mad at you? 10 minutes at the most? I can't stay mad at you. I can't hate you. I can't push you away. Even when I was trying to push you away I didn't even push I just kept a distance. I for some reason had some kind of attraction and need for you since the beginning. I don't regret anything. I never will no matter if we last a life time or in whoever knows how long will we be together. I'm the happiest I've ever been and it's because of you. You make me smile. You make me laugh. You wipe my tears. You pick me up. You hold me. You make me feel wanted. You make me feel special. You treat me like a princess. You do everything in your power to make me feel like I'm in this fairy tale dream relationship but every time I look at it I know it's real. I never thought I would get this. I love you for everything. I don't care that you're rich. I wouldn't care if you're poor. I don't care about your looks either. I care about how you are to me and for me and that is why I love you beyond imagination. I have also never expressed my life for someone or told them how I felt like this before so you better sure as hell be happy that I talked this much and about my emotions this much because now I feel like I'm going to cry." I said feeling a tear drip down my face. Luke pulled me into a hug without saying a word. It was a tight loving hug. I never felt this strongly about someone and I'm crying over it? This is not how I've ever been. "You mean the world to me." I said through me trying to hold back from sobbing. "I never wanna let you go." I said burring my head into his neck as he rubbed my back.

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