Chapter 49 - Back To Normal

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The honeymoon went super well. I was excited and loved it. I would do this over again in a heartbeat but Luke and I had to get back to normal. We missed our family and friends a little. We also know we have to get back to our jobs. Luke has to go on tour again soon and I have to get back to the shop. What kind of owner would I be if I didn't?

When we got dropped off at our driveway I saw my fathers truck in the driveway. I couldn't wait to get inside. Luke had most of our bags and carried them in. I got to the door first and unlocked it. I set the back down and Luke did the same. We knew what was going to happen. I slowly opened the door and smirked.

"We're home!' I yelled. I heard almost simultaneously nails hitting the floor and running towards me. I looked ahead and saw Nova jumping onto the floor and sliding. She tried getting her traction but hit the wall. She then regained herself and ran right towards us with her tongue flopping out her mouth. "Come to mama baby girl!" I said. I got to my knees and she ran right into them. She was whining so much. She kissed all over me and made me fall onto my ass. I laughed along with Luke.

"That dog is so happy to see you." Luke said coming in and getting down to pet Nova. That made her ignore me and go right to him. She crawled all over him making her crying noise and kissing up.

"You too." I said with a giggle.

"Look at her. She is so happy to see you after your short two weeks." Pa said coming from the Den.

"She hasn't left my sight for more than two days since I got her. This must of broke her heart." I said.

"You should of seen her on the ride home from Georgia. Jesus Christ did she whine. I tried to keep her calm but she wanted her mommy and daddy." Pa said laughing.

"Oh more mommy than daddy watch." Luke said letting her go and standing up with me. Nova went right to me and sat looking at me. She put her paw up and put it on my knee. That means she wants loving.

"Does my baby wanna cuddle on the couch?" I asked her. Her ears turned and she ran into the Den. I laughed.

"Told you." Luke said grabbing the bags and my Pa helped.

"It's great to have you two back. Tomorrow I got stuff to tell you when you're at the shop. It can wait till tomorrow so don't pester me Chevrolet." Pa said. I smiled and nodded. I went to the Den and sat on the couch with Nova. She loved all over me and tried to be a lap dog which she is clearly not.

Luke and Pa soon joined me. Luke handed me a bottled water and we talked to Pa about the honeymoon. I showed him pictures on my phone and we said some cool stories about things we saw. Luke showed him more and they talked about how it would be to go back.

Pa soon left us to be by ourselves. I just looked around the house with Nova following me. Everything was how we left it. I went into the kitchen. We didn't have much food in it since we were getting close to the wedding and honeymoon we weren't worried about groceries. We also didn't want anything to go bad. I think tonight I suggest pizza because I don't want to make dinner yet.

I heard Luke come into the kitchen. I went and sat on the counter and watched him walk up to me. He walked right between my legs and put his hands on my thighs. He looked me right in the eyes and smiled wide. I looked back and connected our foreheads. I moved back and put my hands on his. He held mine in his and squeezed.

"I'm glad we're home baby." Luke said.

"Me too. I missed Nova. I missed our bed. I missed our house. I missed our friends. I missed our family. I missed my truck. I missed the nice glow of the Tennessee sun coming in the kitchen."

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