Chapter 27 - New York, New York!

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Jess and I are in the middle of New York City trying to find our way around and buy cool things. Of course we are doing more sightseeing than anything. There is also the Hersey place where there is SO much chocolate. I had to buy something from here.

I was also in my first two story McDonalds. That was pretty nice but crowded. We also got to see the naked cowboy. That was hilarious. A man in tighty whities. Jess and I were having a blast. I was forgetting all about sleeping on the couch and not with Luke last night. It was all until she brought it up when we decided to eat at that double story McDonalds.

"So still haven't talked to Luke?" She asked me. I frowned and shook my head.

"I thought sleeping on the couch would make him realize that I was mad about how he treated me. I guess I was wrong." I said.

"Don't worry. He probably over reacted." Jess said taking a bite of her chicken nugget.

"I think I might actually stop smoking." I said looking out the window at the people down below.

"For him?" She asked.

"Not just because he doesn't like it. We've talked about it before and I said I was going to try. Which I actually meant cut back. I have. Now that I hardly do it, what's the point in having one every three days? I think I can put this compromise in our relationship. I will quit. He is really looking out for my health and his own. I should take his into consideration. I use to say fuck everyone but now…. I don't know… He's changing me." I said.

"I have to say I do like the changes. He isn't forcing them either. You're not really changing. You're going back to normal. You use to be like this Chevy. Now you became cold and heartless and only caring about yourself and whoever else agrees with you. Luke's bringing YOU back. Chevrolet Mason not Chevy Badass." Jess smiled. I looked down at my almost done fries and took one. I pointed it at her.

"I'm liking it too." I smiled and then put the fry into my mouth.

Jess and I left McDonalds and did a little bit more shopping before we had to head back to the busses. We got on with two bags each. The guys were sitting in the back. Luke didn't look at me and I frowned. I just put what I got away and got out what I got him. It was a Lay's potato chips shirt. The seat next to him was open when I got back there. Jess and Carter were nowhere to be found. Kurt was the only one left back here too. He saw me and smiled. He then looked back at the TV.

I sat next to Luke and had the shirt in my hands. I looked at him and saw him looking at me from the corner of his eyes. He turned his eyes off of me quickly hoping I didn't see him. I sighed and just sat the shirt on his lap. I got up and walked out. If he isn't going to talk to me. Then I'm not going to try. He can't still be mad from last night. I went outside and decided to walk around the arena. His show was starting in 2 hours. I had my back stage pass on me and walked around where people were. Everyone seemed so happy.

I bought a beer and walked around. People seemed to just pass me by. No one knew who I was. I was okay with it that way though it would be nice for people to know Luke isn't single anymore and has a girlfriend. Some comments from women did bother me that I heard. "I bet he is great in bed." "I wonder if he fucks his fans." "I got to find a way backstage and show him how a real country girl goes down from the north." I clenched my fist at that one and almost told her but I knew Luke would be pissed I made a scene.

I went and watched some of the show from parts of the arena. I met a few cool people. They asked me how I got backstage passes and I said I paid for it. They also asked why there but I just told them. I wanted to watch most of the shows from back here but Luke's up there.

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