Chapter 25 - Closed Door

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A few days ago Jess finally got all of her things out of the house while I slowly started bringing clothes and little things to Luke's. My tools and garage things were already in his garage in my side of the garage. I was going to leave some things in the house but my bar I wanted to take with me someway and somehow. I talked to Luke about it and he said that we can make room in the basement for it.

Luke, Blake, Carter, and I were all at my house going to move the rest of my things into Luke's. I was going to bring what I was not keeping in the house to the dump. That was Blake and Carters trucks. Mine and Luke's were going to our house; which is so weird for me to say.

We got Carter and Blake's truck full quick but everything that I wanted in their trucks was in there. They told me not to worry about helping with the dump and they were just going to take it on their own leaving Luke and I all alone.

I already had boxes of everything else packed and that is all Luke and I had to put in the trucks. We got a lot of that done quickly. Luke and I did mess around a lot but quickly got everything done. I slowly walked through the house after Luke took the last box outside.

I started downstairs seeing it completely empty. I don't remember ever seeing it so… cold feeling. I walked up the creaking steps which was louder now that the basement was empty. I shut that door and went into the kitchen seeing only a table in there with chairs and an unplugged refrigerator that was empty. I threw away all my plastic cups and just left everything glass since Luke had all his.

I walked into the living room with nothing left in there besides a table with a lamp. The curtains were closed. The paintings were no longer on the walls. I sighed and looked at the staircase that looked so vacant. I walked up the steps and into Jess's room. Everything was gone and the closet was left slightly cracked open. I looked in there and checked. She made sure this room was spotless when she left. I smiled and closed her door. The bathroom had nothing left but a curtain for the shower and the toilet seat was down.

I then looked at my room. The door was shut and I sighed. I was going to reach for the door knob but I heard something drop behind me. I jumped and turned quick with my fist drawn ready to attack if I had to. Only to see Luke look at me like I was crazy then laugh at me.

"Asshole. Don't freak me out like that!" I said slapping his arm. He grabbed my hand quick and pulled me to him to hold me.

"Oh I wasn't trying to. You should have seen your face though it was like…" Luke said making the face he says I made. I frowned.

"Ha-ha, very funny Luther." I said sarcastically and I felt him slightly tense up. His hand went up my back and to my hair. He grabbed all of it and pulled back exposing my neck and making me moan.

"Your room now Chevrolet." He growled into my ear. I bit my lip knowing what was to come.


I turned around and went into my room leaving the door open for him. He didn't even care to close the door. I turned around because I was at the end of my bed that was sheet-less. He stood there just looking at me. His lips were parted and he dragged his tongue from the side of his mouth to the top middle and pulled it back into his mouth showing a smirk he put onto his face.

"Take off your clothes." He told me as I looked at him. I started to take my shirt off quickly but was stopped by him. "Slow. Very slow and seductive."

 I did exactly as he said throwing the clothes to my right. When I was just in my bra and thong I slowly pulled the straps down lightly and then undid the back letting the bra slid down my arms exposing me. I turned around and I knew he was going to say something but I slowly bent over and started to slide down my thong. Once it was at my ankles I smirked but I did that too soon. I felt a sting on my ass and the sound of a clap happen. I made a small noise as I heard him laugh a little but with his deep seductive voice.

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