Chapter 40 - Mason Trial

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Today is the day I am going to testify against my own sister. I felt confident. I couldn't take any of her shit anymore. My lawyer said that we are easily going to win this. This might not be the shortest day ever but even Luke is going to be around and backing me up. Jess can't come because of the baby but my father is also going to be here. He said he is going to testify if he has to. Denver needs help and maybe this will be when.

Luke and I are in the parking lot waiting for my father and the lawyer. I have my arms crossed as I am dressed nice for once. Luke is dressed nice as well. My father got there before the lawyer and smiled towards me.

"Remember Chevy. No matter what happens do not, and I mean do not threaten your sister in there or in front of anyone okay?" He said to me. I nodded.

"I understand that I could be held for contempt. One that will look horrible for my case support. Two that will look bad for business. Three that will look bad for Luke."

"Well that would be pretty badass honestly. I can say in interviews. Oh yeah. My fiancé was in Jail for threatening to kick her sister's ass. It was fun to watch." Luke smirked. My father and I just looked at him. I let a small smile show and shook my head. That is when we saw my lawyer.

We went to my lawyer and he told us a lot that is going to happen and go on. He said that we are going to say that you want her to pay. It's going to end up being more. In my own opinion the money means nothing anymore. I just want her to leave me alone.

When we got inside and it was our case we sat in the court room. My sister had a public defendant. I know she wouldn't be able to afford a lawyer. I know Luke is paying for this guy but Luke trusts him and knows people who have used him before. We had to stand up for the judge as he entered. We were then able to sit down.

I have never said yes your honor or no your honor so many times. My sister scoffed and that made everyone look at her. Her acting like that is slowly helping me. My father and Luke were right behind me and no one was on Denver's side but some dude we had no clue who he was. Probably the fuck's car she screwed up.

The first person to be called to the stand was me. I sighed. I didn't want to do this right now but I knew I had to. I had to swear myself on the bible and then was able to sit down. My lawyer was the one who was able to ask the questions first.

"Miss Mason. Can you please explain your relationship with your sister before the incident happened? Then explain the incident. This is to let the court know the malicious acts of vandalism and violence." My lawyer said. I looked around and my eyes landed on Denver. She just looked at me.

"Denver and I have had a rocky relationship since our mother passed." I looked right over to my father. This is where he feels like it's his fault. "Her and I have got into a lot of altercations before. Fist fights when we were teenagers and a few as adults. I never was the one to throw the first punch. I never called the cops on her before. I refused to because she is my sister." I sighed. "I would give my sister a place to stay for the past couple years. Every once in a while she would be with a new guy who through her to the side and she'd run to me. She would eat my food. She would use my credit card. She would steal out of my house for her addictions. Yet I kept letting her back in."

"Objection. This has nothing to do for what we are here for." The public defendant said.

"Over ruled. Please continue Miss Mason." The judge said smiling at me. I smiled back and nodded.

"As I was getting to. The last time I let her spend the night she tried to make a move on my boyfriend at the time. She let out personal information about me to him and I told her to get out of my house. I at that time lost my job and could not afford for her to stay. She kept begging and I let her spend that one night. She tries to get even when I say no so she does malicious things. After that she and I had a fist fight. She left on bad terms. The next time I see her is when she comes into my shop. I am the only one there at night. She asks for money. I deny her request and any other request at the time." I said looking at Denver and frowned. "Then she gets so mad. She goes and vandalizes my truck to where the insurance company said it was totaled. She also put sugar in the gas tank. So it was premeditated that she would do this if I said no. I also have the video from my security cameras to prove that it was her who in fact vandalized it. I had to call the cops then." I said.

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